Chapter 5

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Louis' POV:

We got a ride home, but of course this day got worse. Even after I wished it wouldn't, I was wrong. Now I scream on the inside and almost start to cry. We were getting evicted out of our flat.

Harry's POV:

I saw tears in his eyes, he was close to crying and I could tell.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no," he muttered to himself. Although I think I wasn't supposed to hear him.

"What's wrong this time?" I ask him.

He explained how he thought his day couldn't get worse, but did and how they have no place to go and that they have an eviction notice. I looked him in the eyes and told him to pack three bags for tonight so he doesn't have to worry anymore tonight.

He looked at me right back in the eyes, but his were teary, "But where will we go?"

"Tay?" Niall asked me.

"You could stay with us, if you'd like. If not, then I can drive you to a hotel for the night."

He looked at me unsure of what to do. Then he looked at his boys that each had scared looks on their faces.

"You'd take us in?" he asked.

"Is that a problem?"

"Dad? I don't wanna stay in a hotel," Liam sounded scared.

"Umm..." the man looked unsure still. "Would it be a problem if we stayed with you for tonight and I find a place to stay at until I get a new place?"

Louis' POV:

He smiled at me. "That's fine."

"Yaay!" Niall yelled.

I looked at him and smiled. This is going to be fun with that little boy at night. I looked back at the doctor.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"Is that fine with you two?" I asked Zayn and Liam. They nodded.

I went in the house and packed two bags, one was mine and the other was for the twins.

Harry's POV:

When he came back out I had the kids all in the car, 2 we're fighting sleep and 1, well he was fussy, so I just grabbed him and sat him up front with me. But I had to put him in the back, and he started kicking and screaming.

"You know, you are kind. You are taking in strangers and letting them stay with you for the night."

"Hey, it's not a problem. Niall stop kicking please."

"Noooo!" I sighed, finally I got him to sit in his seat.

We both got into the car and I drove to my house.

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