Chapter 7

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Harry's POV:

Louis walked in with Niall, who seems to have just woken up, in his arms.


"There's my baby boy," I smiled.

As soon as I picked him up he wanted to sit with me while we ate. So I sat with him in my lap and our guests sat down too.

"You really are a nice guy you know," Louis said after a while.

"Thanks. I just don't like seeing people with kids having any problems."

He smiled. "You truly are a miracle to the world."

"I'm pretty sure you are too."


Zayn's POV:

Daddy is flirting (Li told me I don't know what it means until Li said they like eachother) with Dr Styles. Dr Styles is doing it back. I don't think they know they like each other. I like Dr Styles. He's cool. And kind. He can make you less worry. I really like him. I love my daddy too. He's funny. And likes to play with me and Li. He can be sassy too. A lot. But I love him.

Liam's POV:

Daddy and Dr Styles like each other. Zayn agrees with me that they do. I think it would be fun to have two daddies. And even little brother. And Niall looks like he love Daddy already too.

Niall's POV:

No Dwaddy. I gonna cy.


"Yeah. You want me to bring you to him?"


Walkted. Yayayay Dwaddy. "Dwaddy!".

Louis' POV:

I handed Niall over to Harry. He snuggled into Harry as soon as he was out of my arms.

"You want some spaghetti?" He nodded.

"Sit you," he whispered.

"Of course you can sit with me."

I stood there just admiring him. All five of us sat down and began to eat. Harry started conversation and included all the kids in it, although little Niall barely talked throughout dinner. Harry and I started giving compliments to each other at one point. The twins were smiling at us like they knew something we didn't. Li whispered in Zayn's ear and they started giggling.

"What is funny you two?" I asked.

"Nothing," they sang out.

"What is nothing?" Harry smiled. They giggled some more. "Sure 'bout that?"

They nodded. "Yeah we're sure," Zee said. Liam nodded in agreement.

I heard Ni yell, "Nooo!"

"Niall you do not yell at me," Harry said in a low voice that was stern.


The boys looked worried.

"Harry stood up, "I'll be right back."

And with that he walked out with Niall in his arms to somewhere in his house.

"Dad?" Zayn whispered to me.

"Zee, you don't have to whisper."

"But Dad-"

"You can tell me baby. But please don't whisper."

"Why did Dr Styles talk like that?"

"I think it was because Niall was yelling at him."

"Oh." He kept whispering for some reason.

I looked at Liam, he has been quiet the whole time.

"What's got you so quiet Li?"

" 'M tired."

I nodded. "Mh. Well it is almost time for bed."


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