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I walked down the driveway gripping my suitcase, finally prepared for my first year in College.

"Ready, hun?" My mother asked, a bit of hesitation in her voice.

I breathed in deeply and smiled slightly.

"Mhmm." I hummed.

Dad came from behind me and grabbed my suitcase, placing it inside the trunk. He shut it and started the car. Mom and I made our way towards our seats, when Lucky barked after us.

He ran towards my door and his front paws scratched my legs. He whined and lied down, when his ears and tail dropped.

He probably knows I'm going away for a while. He's one smart dog.

I chuckled and went out of the car and onto my knees.

"Hey..." I whispered softly, grabbing my dog's face.

He looked so sad, it made me want to cry.

"I'll come back boy. Okay? You have to stay and take care of the house. Now go inside and eat your favorite treat I left you. Okay?" He kept whining.

I smiled warmly.

"Best buds for life." I croaked, before a tear threatened my eye.

I sniffed and Lucky barked, licking my cheek.

Despite the smile plastered on my face, it did hurt leaving Lucky behind.

We grew up together and he's always going to be my best friend.

I turned and looked back to see Lucky trotting back into the house. I breathed in and adjusted myself on my seat, shutting the door after.

"Ready to go?"

Dad looked at me through the rear viewing mirror and I breathed a quiet, 'okay' before he started driving.


Twenty minutes in a car and we had finally been there. Dad had parked and ran to the trunk for my suitcase. I opened the door and shut it behind me.

Mom had waved for me to lean inside the car window and said, "Remember. Make friends, have fun, and don't even think about slacking."

I chuckled and nodded.

I leaned in closer towards my mother to hug her.

"I will and won't. Don't worry, mom."

After that, my dad handed me my suitcase and gave me an even tighter hug.

And here I am thinking mom was gonna be the sentimental one.

"No boys. Study lots and no boys." Dad patted my head and gave me a half worried and half proud look.

"Believe me, dad... that's the farthest thing on my mind." I rolled my eyes and hugged him a second time.

"Love you, dad. Love you too, mom!" I waved as he got in the car and drove off with mom.

As soon as they were off into the street and their car dissapeared, disaster coincidentally happened. I calmly walked on the concrete sidewalk, occasionally looking down at my schedule, when a skater suddenly knocked me to the ground.

"What... in the blue hell?!" I hissed at whoever was over me.

The unknown person got up and it turned out to be a total eye candy! I tried not to stutter and held my head high.

I'm not going soft over a simple boy already. Plus, he did knock me over so I do have a reason to be mad.

I got up after him and dusted myself off, cursing under my breath.

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