3. Oops. My Hand Slipped

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"You look beautiful." I heard Sky compliment for the 5th time.

Just ignore him, Alexandra. Maybe he'll stop lying.

Don't misunderstand. I don't have bad self-esteem. It's just his reasons for calling me that are sick.

I kept walking down the street; making sure to ignore every conversation attempt he tried to make. He had been doing this for the past 5 minutes on our way to the party and it was surely getting me aggravated, but if I said something, I just know I'll regret it. Because with this idiot... no conversation is to long.

"Umm... this is the part where your suppose to say 'Thanks.' and compliment back." He stated.

Damn! What do u have? Diarrhea-of-the-Mouth?

I ignored him once again and just tried to calm my nerves before I turned to him and choked the ghost out of him.

We walked a few more feet and the music became more and more clear in my ears. I rolled my eyes as we saw, far ahead, a couple eating eachother on the nearby tree.

"Teenagers." I grunted, looking else where.

Well, I am one too, but who -in their right mind- would even think of doing something so disgusting in public? Like, some of us do want to keep our lunches in our stomachs.

Sky chuckled next to me.

"Tired of seeing couples show their affection for each-other, while your in the shadows, single?" He smirked at me devilishly.

His hand is on her ass...

Affection? I think not.

"Not really. Nobody wants to see people eating the face of another person and I could care less about being single, unlike you thirsty boys that just want to have some so bad." I shrugged with an instant comeback.

I internally high-fived myself for that one and kept walking, but as we walked he had done something heart stopping.

His hand touched mine and I reacted quickly, pulling it away from his grip. I stopped on my tracks and gave him a shocked expression. My heart was speeding and my stomach flipped.

"What in the hell were u planning on doing?" I turned to him and asked Sky quietly between us.

Everyone else had been walking a bit more further away from us the past five minutes and Sky was just 'keeping me company.'

More like annoy the youth out of me.

I doubt they could hear us now from our distance and tone of voice.

"What did I do?" He asked blankly, acting like a clueless child.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me! You've been trying to hit on me the whole walk here!" I let out, a bit agitated, electricity surging through my cheeks.

I accidentally let my guard down and that's why the next words was a total wrecking ball.

"Are u blushing?!" He seemed a bit shocked, but sounded cocky nonetheless.


I looked away and scoffed; crossing my arms.

"Stop b- being disgusting. Your- your imagining things." I tried not to sound too shaky, but sadly it was exactly how it came out sounding.

"You'd better hope I am. Because if not... Your next on my bang list. You should know now how territorial I am with what's mine. And what I say is mine, is mine." He stated confidently, passing me and walking into the party blasting music out of the house.

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