11. Opposites Attract

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First off............. I'M AM SOOOO SORRY! I know! I know! I took A LIFETIME to update and I am so very truly sorry! I've been going through some things as usual, ugh, but I put my time and effort on this chapter and I hope you guys don't hate me! It's been school, house, no phone, no laptop/computer so you know how boring my life has been for like the past 3-4 months! :(
Hope this chapter makeup for all that lost time! I'm so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it!


"How about we go to six flags this weekend?!" I suggested loudly.

"Nah. Six flags is so overrated." Katie sighed, laying on Hazel's lap and on the couch.

I was currently sitting on the coffee table and we had been planning for the break which starts tomorrow. Vincent was present, but his presence -thankfully- wasn't bothersome enough to make me want to leave the room.

"Come on, guys. It's our break! We have to do something fun. Unforgettable even! We can go to different places." Sky popped out of his room, with a mischievous smile, making us all wonder what he was thinking. "And I know just the place where we can start."

We were on our way to the surprise place Sky spoke about. We asked, but he refused to tell us what that place was. I was sitting on the passenger's seat in Sky's jeep, while Vincent followed with Haze and Kate on his car. As we drove, Sky confidently took my hand, sliding his fingers through mine and brought it up to his lips. After placing a soft peck on my palm making my heart skip a beat, I glared at him because he knew very well Vincent was behind watching and I knew what he was trying to do.

"What was that for?" I asked, releasing my hand from his grip gently.

Sky kept silent and just winked at me.

"I know what kind of dangerous game your playing, Belfire and I didn't sign up for it." I crossed my arms and spoke, gazing at the rode.

Sky chuckled and replied, "What? I can't give my women a kiss now?"

I scoffed, "I am not your women Sky and you know exactly what your trying to provoke here."

He took a second to look at me and smile bigger, "Maybe I do."

After that we drove silently for thirty minutes and ended up at a huge house in the woods, near the rode. It looked too fancy to be abandoned, but too quiet and dark for anyone to inhabit there.

"Whoa." Kate breathed.

'Whoa' is right.

"Sky, where are we?" I asked, everyone else getting out of the car and examining the house.

"At my special place." He answered.

"It looks fancy, but lonely." Hazel stated, walking up to the porch.

"Yeah. It's a vacation house. I used to come here with my parents every Christmas. They died in a car accident, when I was sixteen and I was here with my grandparents on Christmas eve waiting for them. They were supposed to show up after a work related trip, but never made it." As Sky spoke of his tragic memory of this place, his eyes darkened into a sadness I'd never witnessed before.

I walked up to him and gripped his arm. "I'm so sorry, Sky."

"But enough of the sadness. There is a real reason why I brought you guys here." He clapped once, announcing his plans; disregarding his feelings. "There's a scare fest near this place. They always open it during this time of year."

Hazel held onto Vincent as if she had seen a ghost, which sort of stung me a bit.

Stop it, Alexandra!

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