Chapter 15

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The question came from a teenage boy who seemed to have only asked it as a joke, but the crowd fell silent when they noticed something off with the situation. I could only assume that I looked far from comfortable because it sure felt like all the blood had been drained from me and it would be a miracle if I stayed even a ghastly pale.

Ralphie noticed my body go limp for a few seconds, but was sure to hold me in place to avoid any suspicions before distracting his pack with a smug smile and his Alpha dominance. His grip was strong and held me in place for long enough for me to regain consciousness and the ability to stand on my own.

"You dare ask your Luna that right in front of your Alpha?" he asked, cleverly shielding me behind his build as he walked closer to tower above the other members. "Quite the bold one you are," Ralphie commented with exaggerated sarcasm, earning a few laughs all around. Everyone knew their Alpha was much too easygoing for anything intimidating.

With the time he bought, I was able to slap on a face of indifference that would suit the atmosphere. I grabbed the Alpha by his arm to stop him from engaging in a mock fight with the wolf boy who asked the question. Seeing that I was recovered, Ralphie didn't linger much longer, dismissing the group on their own while making his way back with me. But of course not without punishing them by limiting future questions to three instead of a full five per night.

On our way back, Ralphie didn't say a word to me, only pulling me along with his larger and warmer hand. I could only guess that he didn't take my reaction well to the question because probably most of all, he was hurt by that slip up of mine.

My time in Vampire Territory was and still is a sensitive topic between us. We established that he wouldn't pry into that aspect of my life, which was one of more pain than happiness in my heart. In cooperation with the other Alphas, I have already revealed much knowledge about the bloodsuckers that I can provide. However, the remainder part about my family and the people I know still remain in the dark.

When we return within the vicinity of our tent, Ralphie pulls me into him and hugs his arms around me without a word. He does that whenever something is on his mind, but he himself knows better than to burden me with his troubles. Plus, he also knows that I wouldn't say much even if he asks.

"Take me with you to patrol tonight," I say as I lean my head on his firm chest.

He places his arm around my shoulder before nodding and dozing off. Indeed this boy falls asleep fast.

I tilt my head up to see his innocent sleeping face which easily brings about a smile on my own.

No. He isn't a boy. He hasn't been for a long time.

He's a full-grown man. An Alpha, acknowledged by all.

But somehow, I feel a little sad. When did he grow up so fast?

For me, he's grown up so fast.

Each time I look at him, I don't know how to feel. Sure, I love him. But I wonder if I love him enough. I know he loves me so much, but do I love him as much as he loves me?

I don't have to worry about him having a change of heart since he already pronounced me as his mate—and once you decide on a mate, they are your mate for life. No need for silly things like marriages that can be arranged for political reasons and broken just as easily. No need for empty titles of a husband and wife.

However, I myself not being a wolf, cannot as confidently say the same. Each time I look at Ralphie, I feel I'm in the right place with the right person. But, there's this undeniable aching that comes about ever so often. As if there's a void that just doesn't seem to close up no matter how happy I am with him.

Alpha's Mate : Daughter of the Moon (Book 2 of The Outcaste Series)Where stories live. Discover now