Chapter 13

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Happy Valentine's Day! Kewpid made it an extra long chapter :)

I couldn't recall the last time I slept so soundly, not even waking at the sound of neighbors enjoying their afternoon. It was peaceful, like it always was here, but there was also this other feeling.

An extra feeling today. I can not say exactly what it is, but there was definitely something more. It was as if I felt more grounded and strongly connected to the earth and nature around me.

As my senses awakened, glimpses of yesterday flashed in my mind and I immediately pull the blanket to cover myself.

That was when I noticed blood staining the sheets. Atop the stains, sat a very large curved fang that definitely could cut me if I wasn't careful.

Upon the surprise discovery, I quickly got changed and decided to pay Diane a visit since Ralphie was nowhere in sight.

From my tent to hers, there was notably less human traffic. However, among those who were present, I received frequent stares and overheard a few comments about me though I couldn't make sense of it.

Boy was I glad when I finally reached the vicinity of Diane's lodging where I could hide from the overwhelming attention.

"What brings you here so early?" the wolf goddess teased as she brought me a warm cup of milk.

I carefully reach into my pocket and present the hand-size fang left on my bed this morning.

Diane only smirked as I raise my eyebrow in question.

"Is this supposed to mean something? I went to look for Ralphie, but when he's gone he's gone. And the rest of the pack was looking at me funny."

"So they know too..." she hummed while pulling out a seat and taking a sip from her own cup.

"Know what?"

"That there," Diane said as she pointed at the object on hand, "is Ralphie's proposal."

"Proposal?" I ask a bit skeptically.

"Once a wolf meets his mate, he's found someone compatible. But when a strong wolf believes with all his heart that he found his soul mate, he mates for life. The fang they offer is a symbol of their lifetime devotion."

Lifetime devotion...

"What's with the wide eyes, Alvena?"

"Sorry, it's just so much to take in..."

To think that there would be someone as great as Ralphie who'd offer up so much to someone like me. Just the thought makes me want to cry of joy.

"But that Ralphie," Diane comments in a more critical tone before rolling her eyes. "He's too confident."

I look to her for an explanation.

"It's pretty common knowledge that the fang proposal is the ultimate confession of love. But technically you do and still have the right to reject him."

"Reject him?"

"Yes, meaning that you don't have to choose him as your mate."

Seeing the befuddled expression on my face, Diane proceeded to educate me on their culture.

"Just because he proposed, doesn't mean you have to accept. You know, it's quite common to be attracted to more than one wolf."

"What? Really?" I ask, profoundly surprised.

"What do you take us for? Eternal virgins until we find our mate? More common than not, wolves don't find a mate. So we change partners, test partners, experiment partners, meet partners, and simply carry on life. There's no rule that we must settle on only one. But of course, that's a matter of personal choice."

Alpha's Mate : Daughter of the Moon (Book 2 of The Outcaste Series)Where stories live. Discover now