Chapter 5

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One minute I am sleeping soundly and the next, a loud blow reverberates from the flap of our leather tent.

Before my vision properly adjusts from the sudden wake, an angry mob of blurred faces intrude our space. Ralphie is already on his feet, standing protectively in front of me.

"Stand down Ralphie," someone orders authoritatively.

The order is repeated, but he doesn't budge.

"Why are you in here?" Ralphie growls, not too keen on hiding his annoyance at the disturbance. "Get out."

"We came for her," someone lifts an accusing finger to point at me.

Immediately, I shy behind Ralphie who tightens his hold on me, reiterating his intentions.

"The girl you picked up from the river cannot stay." The new voice came from Little Roy, the smaller-looking boy we had dinner with a few nights before.

"And WHY not?" Ralphie barks, obviously disappointed that his friend isn't taking his side.

"The Bloodsuckers are looking for her," Little Roy tries explaining. "Those monsters sent message this morning."

Ralphie stiffens. "What message?"

"They said," Little Roy bites down on his lip to stop trembling before continuing. "If we take their humans, they'd take ours."

Bryant, a brawny black-haired boy, steps up. Ralphie doesn't lower his stance, but he obviously finds comfort with his best friend next to him.

"We found two members dead by the Border this morning. Both completely drained of blood," Bryant reports.

Upon hearing those words, Ralphie's expression distorts into a blend of mixed emotions—shock, confusion, disgust, anger, and hurt all at once.

If I can, I'd opt to un-see it.

Everyone knew, if anyone could love the pack more than anyone else, it would be Ralphie. Growing up without direct family, the entire pack basically raised him.

Ralphie understands what it means to have something precious. And at the moment, he's learning what it means to lose it.

The others and I hurt just looking at him clenching his fists and teeth, battling the excruciating urge to storm across the river and tear apart every unfortunate bloodsucker he lays eyes on.

I hurt with Ralphie and his pack. I hurt for all of them.

But my hurt doesn't come close to theirs because I know what vampires can do and seen them do it. I lived among them and watched people die.

So all I can do is offer him my silent prayers and hope he believes that he can recover.

Luckily, Bryant keeps composure and refocuses the topic. If we stay in silence any longer, I'm not sure what ideas may conjure up in Ralphie's unstable state.

"The Alphas have gathered and demanded to have Alvena brought before them."

My only ally in the room snaps out of his daze as he regains his protective stance in front of me.

"Everyone is angry right now. If you persist to protect the Vampires' human, it'll just worsen the situation," Little Roy reasons.

Ralphie remains silent, but doesn't allow me to move even a centimeter away.

"We take her to them," Bryant speaks up. Before Ralphie has time to fire off, he continues, "But we'll be on your side if you decide to challenge their decision."

Ralphie exchanges intense stares with him, knowing full well who and what he meant.

Only then did I have the courage to retract my touch.

"Let me go," I say as I dodge his hand from grabbing onto mine. That also hurt me more than I showed.

Ralphie's troubled look breaks my heart, but this is for the best. I'm very grateful for staying so long already.

I want to thank him for showing me, even if it was only for a short time, what it means to be free. It's already more than I dare hope for.

I just wish I could have explained it to him earlier—why we can't be together.

But all I manage is a broken smile before following Bryant out.


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Alpha's Mate : Daughter of the Moon (Book 2 of The Outcaste Series)Where stories live. Discover now