Hangyul (4): Only With You, At Bliss

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Nahyun felt absolutely childish.

And guilty.

She had been avoiding Hangyul for the past couple days.

Messages from him were piling up. They were such innocent and simple messages too, either greeting her good morning or asking how she was. Every time Hangyul gave her a call, Nahyun would let the phone ring until it would go to voicemail. On campus, if she ever caught a glimpse of him, she would walk the opposite direction, despite if her next class was just in the building nearby. Nahyun even forced herself to not visit Heart's in fear Hangyul would be working there.

This was ridiculous; she knew that damn well. She couldn't help her poor heart from hurting every time she was reminded what Doyeon and Sumi told her. She was the older one of the bunch, but she was acting like a coward. Nahyun never felt so pathetic with herself in all her life.

And because she fell so deeply in love with Lee Hangyul.

Those days had been so hard. Of course, she wanted to run to Hangyul and be embraced in a comforting hug, being told that this was all false. Seeing Hangyul was what she wanted right now, and at the same time, she doesn't want. After the breakup with her ex-boyfriend from high school, she told herself to be cautious in future relationships. Nahyun made sure to drill it into her mind. She didn't want to become one of Hangyul's many victims, only to be left heartbroken at the end. She doesn't want to be hurt, not again. She was doing this to save herself.

But all it was doing was crumbling down her mentality.

In a zombiesque state, Nahyun walked across campus to arrive at the psychology building. She reached the classroom of one of her teachers, just as the current lesson wrapped up. The fourth year needed to turn in some paperwork that was due by the end of the day, and she was there to do just that before she meets up with Sihun for another tutoring session. Nahyun waited outside the doorway as the students stampede out.

Just as she thought she was safe from anymore of the kids, there was one straggler, Baek Sumi.
The moment Sumi met her gaze, she jolted. "Oh, sunbae, h-hello!" The freshmen girl greeted her. Nahyun noticed the stutter in her voice and she quirked a brow in curiosity. The way the younger's face scrunched in, she had something to say. "I-I need talk to you, sunbae..."

Nahyun could see how serious she was, so Nahyun merely nodded at her. "I'll go ahead and turn this in first then we can chat."

After Nahyun had finished her simple deed, she joined with Sumi and the two of them went into one hallway of the psych building. It was perfectly deserted, so they could talk freely. The younger had been fumbling with her fingers for the past couple minutes, the nervousness obvious on her face. Nahyun narrowed her eyes as she urged Sumi on, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Sumi met Nahyun's gaze. The older girl wasn't expecting to see the saddened expression. "R-Remember what I told you that day you had to go talk to Doyeon?"

"Yes, I remember," Nahyun frowned.

"I misunderstood," Sumi meekly replied. Nahyun wanted to question her as to what she meant by that, but she continued her explanation. "You see, in high school, Lee Hangyul was a major flirt! He would always be walking around school with girls at both his sides. There was always these rumors about him hiding away in empty classrooms to make out with some random girl. I was always disgusted... and more so when he broke my friend's heart because he lead her on. I never wanted to forgive him, so that's why I wanted to warn you about him."

"I can totally understand you, Sumi," Nahyun murmured out, not really listening into this story. What Sumi was saying confirmed what Doyeon told her before. It just made her more upset and hurt that she fell for such a playboy.

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