Seungyoun (4): Meaningful With You

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Nahyun did all she could to stay by Seungyoun's side for the next couple weeks. The plagiarism situation at Tangerine Entertainment had been a long and grueling one, something that wouldn't put Seungyoun in his right mind. The lass listened and waited patiently while the case was in progress. Seungyoun had gone to Tangerine to give his statements to the very CEO of the company, more evidence against the producer. Fortunately, as more cases flowed in, that producer's credibility came crashing down. He became a hoax and an embarrassment in the music industry.

Before they knew it, the producer was officially fired from the company, as well as being fined a lot of money for his crimes.

It was a happy day, to say the least. Seungyoun had become 20 million won richer and he'd be able to move on from this horrible experience.

Eventually, Seungyoun had moved back to his apartment near the university and began visiting the campus once again. He had already planned to return back to classes and continue his studies in the next upcoming semester. He even went into Heart's Cafe to ask if he could get his job back. He didn't have to do much convincing as the owner was more than happy to welcome him with hours to work.

Slowly, life felt like it was before. Nahyun was starting to see Seungyoun more and more often, and see the positive and goofy side she had missed so much.

•  •  •

Nahyun walked through campus, enjoying the nice weather. She was done with classes for the day, and she couldn't feel more than happy to be done. Her brain was more than done being filled up with information.

From her denim jacket pocket, she took out her phone. Biting down on her lip, she wondered whether or not she should call Seungyoun to see if he was free. She knew well that ever since he became more involved with life again, he was busy trying to catch up with everything. How could she forget that Seungyoun is the popular kid that everyone missed? It wasn't just her. She shouldn't be so greedy of his attention because she likes him.

Nahyun slowed down into a halt, she could feel her whole body warming up at her thoughts. She pressed a hand to her heated cheeks, as a grimace crossed her face. There was that sliver of a moment where she and Seungyoun had shared the same feelings. And their talk at his friend's apartment too, Nahyun was sure they still shared the same feelings. But so much time had passed since then, she wasn't sure how to take a step further in this confusing relationship. She knew damn well that her feelings hadn't wavered, but has his?

Would it be too soon to ask him about their feelings? Seungyoun had just gotten over the traumatic experience.


She shouldn't ask, at least right now. She should wait until Seungyoun feels completely better, there's no point of trying to rushing things along, even though all she wanted to do is shower that boy's face with a million kisses.

Why does she have to be so selfish when it comes to Cho Seungyoun? That boy really does make her brain malfunction.

"Kim Nahyun!"

Out of the blue, the brunette felt something snake around her shoulders. Her eyes widened, her whole body jolting in shock. Not from the sudden attack, but because she instantly recognized that cheery voice. She turned her head and she was met with that cute eye smile she could fall for over and over. What was this? Did she somehow summon him from all the thoughts she had just now?

"Seungyoun," she breathed out.

"Sorry, did I surprise you?" He asked her sweetly, keeping his arm around her.

Nahyun caught a glimpse of the large group behind the two. She recognized them as people Seungyoun would sometimes hang out with besides her and Jinhyuk. Classmates? Or perhaps people that just naturally gravitated towards him? Some looked after them with curiosity and perhaps annoyance in their eyes.

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