Seungyoun (2): Let Us Rewind

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Nahyun wished she could turn back time to prevent Seungyoun from taking that internship. Whatever had happened in that horrid company, it changed Seungyoun. The moment Nahyun had seen him again, it was like she was looking at a different person. That brightness that always radiated from him, was gone. That goofy, toothy smile she loved so much wasn't the same. It didn't reach his eyes when they usually did.

And after that, Nahyun had been cut out from his life. Not just her, everyone. No one from his department knew what was going on; neither did Jinhyuk. It was one shock after another. Nahyun wasn't sure what to do.

Then came the next worst thing.

Seungyoun decided to take a break the following semester.

That was five whole months. Seungyoun had fallen off the face of the planet. Before anyone knew it, he had quit his job at the Heart's Cafe, left duties behind as a club member of the music club, and left school. No one saw a trace of him the moment the spring semester began. And after multiple visits to his apartment, it wouldn't be a surprise if he had left Korea overall.

The only reassurance Nahyun got from him?

A simple text message that read, "I will be back some day."

It drove her insane. As days, soon months, droned on; she felt like she was suffocating from all the worry. She couldn't even bother with school, even though she desperately needs to as graduation was inching closer and closer. But her mind could only be filled with that boy, and she could only hope that he was doing okay. That he found a way to heal himself and be okay to himself. That was all she could ask for.

"Nahyun..." The very girl peered up at the sound of her name being called. There stood Jinhyuk in his work uniform, towering over her. In his slender hands, he held a mug of coffee. And judging from the steam she could see coming from it, it was a recently brewed cup. He had set it down on the table in front of her and grabbed the one she had bought... which she didn't take a sip of yet. "You let it go cold, so I got you a new one."

Nahyun blinked at him. She just realized how long she had been sitting in the Heart's Cafe, just thinking of different things. A whole hour had passed since she came in, and she didn't do any studying like she told herself she would. She frowned at him, "Ah, Jinhyuk, you didn't have to do that."

"Don't worry, it's on the house." As he bit down on his lip, Jinhyuk scanned the area, possibly for any customers. Making up his mind, he took the empty chair next to her. All he did was give a simple look to her face before muttering out, "You miss him, don't you?"

It had been three months since Seungyoun's disappearance.

Nahyun was barely getting a grasp of reality. Class after class, she was only doing the bare minimum. She was fine with it, she just wished she could just go back to her dorm and sleep away. But she had been sleeping in way too much lately. She should force herself out and get some kind of sunshine, right?

But, what was the point when she barely moves outside?

Memories of Seungyoun swam in Nahyun's mind. Their precious few years together. She didn't know that boy as long as she did with others, but he left such an impact on her. And the image of him not being his usual bright self made her heart ache. Her eyes pricked with upcoming tears.

"Isn't he being too mean?" Nahyun huffed out. "How could he not contact us in months? I just want something, anything to tell me that he's fine."

Jinhyuk frowned. "I know. But we know him. He should be fine."

But she's not fine. "I... I'm just so concerned. It's driving me nuts."

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