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The next day Athanasia went to the Ruby Palace with Felix guarding her. She wanted to have some tea with Jenette and maybe talk with her about what had happened the day before. As much as she didn't want Jenette to steal her father's love Athy couldn't bring herself to hate her. Jenette even was kinda innocent if Athy thought about it. And it wouldn't hurt to have some tea with her, right?

"Ah, Princess Athanasia... What a surprise to see you here. Are you looking for Princess Jenette?"

"Yes, I'd like to have some tea with her in my rose garden. Could you prepare us some,please?"

"Of course, let me tell someone to get Jenette while the rest of us takes care of that"

The maid ordered a maid that was passing by to get Jenette so Athanasia waited in the hall with Felix.

"Why did you decide to have some tea with Princess Jenette? It's obvious that his highness despises her so why do you still wish to spend time with her, Princess?"

"I know that Dad doesn't like her that much but it's not really her fault is it? And if she stays at the palace then I might as well spend some time with her"

Felix just nodded to her answer since it seemed quite reasonable. A few minutes later Jenette came with the maid.

"Ah! Princess... I suppose your Majesty isn't with you?"

It was clear that Jenette was scared because of what happened yesterday. Athy could only hope that Jenette wasn't scared of her too.

"No, he is busy at the moment. I was hoping we could enjoy some tea together"

"Of course!"

So Jenette was still able to smile. Even though the Ruby Palace was not nearly as good as the emerald palace, her maids didn't treat her well and her father didn't like her Jenette was still able to smile. If it had been Athy than she would have fled already. Well, that was actually her plan at first but at least she had Lilly who took care of her. They slowly made their way to the garden in an awkward silence since no one knew what to say. When the arrived there Jenette's eyes sparkled.

"My, this is such a beautiful garden. Are we even allowed to be here?"

"Of couse. After all this is my garden that Dad gifted to me"

"The Emperor must cherish you a lot, Princess"

Athy just smiled. Actually Athy was supposed to say that. Jenette should be sitting at her place and be loved by Claude like in the novel. She took her place and Jenette didn't even know it.

"I'd like to ask you something. What happened yesterday before I entered?"

Jennete instantly averted her gaze. Athy could see the devastation in her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me. Don't worry, I won't force you to"

"Why are you being so nice to me? Aren't you supposed to hate me like the Emperor?"

That caught Athy off guard. She set her cup of tea down.

"Why should I?"

"Well,.. I... maybe..."

'Because I could be the heir to the throne'
It was what Jennete was trying to say. But it was true. Jenette was a threat to her position but Athanasia wouldn't go down without a fight. She wasn't interested in the throne but who knew what would happen to her if Jenette ascended the throne. She could feel the glare from Felix from afar. It seemed like he didn't like that thought either.

"I don't have a reason to hate you and I just thought it would be nice to chat with someone around my age, don't you agree?"

"Ah,... yes"

"Now, it'd be better not to talk about these kind of things anymore. But I'd love to hear something about you. Where did you stay before coming to the palace?"

Of course, Athy already knew but she pretended not to. She just didn't want to talk about the throne and stuff like that anymore.

While Jenette and Athanasia were chatting together, Claude was in his office checking some documents. Suddenly he had a headache and tried to stand up but he fell down instead. He was in pain and couldn't think clearly.


Where was she? He needed her here, maybe she could make the pain go away. As he tried to get to the door he fainted.

A different outcome (Who made me a princess)Where stories live. Discover now