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Claude used his magic to get a flower out of the water. Turned out that the magnificent flower was actually a gross tentacle monster. The first three seconds Athy just stared at the gross thing. As she realized what it was she jumped on Claude and screamed. Jenette also screamed.

"What's the matter? You said you wanted to look at it up close"

Claude seemed rather shocked as Athy held on to him as if her life depended on it. She actually felt like her life depended on it.

"No! I didn't know it was a tentacle monster! Gah! Daddy, that thing it's gross! Make it go away!"

While Athy screamed she also moved alot trying to hide in her fathers arms. But her sudden movements caused the boat to rock. Athanasia could feel that Claudes grip tightened.Then they both heard a sudden scream and a splash. Claude quickly used his magic to put the flower back into the water. He then saw what happened.

Jenette fell into the water.

"H-help me! I c-can't breathe!"

She gasped and tried not to drown. Claude just watched. When his eyes met Jenettes, he just glared at her. Should he just let her drown? Then he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. As he thought about it he saw that Athanasia was trying to help her. She leaned out of the boat and tried to take Jenette's hand. But instead of pulling Jenette up, Athy fell into the water.



Claude instantly reacted. He jumped into the lake without thinking. He quickly took Athanasia and pushed her back into the boat. Now he was able to think properly again, now that she was safe. Then he went after Jenette who was about to drown. If he'd just let her be then Athy would probably jump into the lake again and he didn't want that. Instead of putting the now unconscious Jenette into the boat he swam to the shore. Claude also used his magic to push the boat towards it. When he got there he put Jenette into the grass.

"Dad! Are you and Jenette okay? Are you hurt?"

He could see how worried she was in her eyes.

"It's fine, she's just unconscious, we should call some maids to check on her. I should also tell them to escort you to your room and put you to bed"

"Eh? But what about you?"

"I'll head back and check on Felix"

After Claude called the maids Athy was escorted to her room where Lily ordered her to rest. It turned out that she had a fever because she fell into the water. Athy also completely forgot to ask Claude about the invitations. Now she had to wait another day! Oh well, she might as well get some rest.

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