Knock Me Off My Feet

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Days grew longer. They were empty now. I had nothing that I would do besides work and reading Dorian Gray over and over again. Maybe it would end differently this time. Maybe his pride wouldn't get the best of him and he wouldn't succumb to his vanity.

Yeah, right.

When I wasn't at the café I wondered how the boys were doing. I still followed the boys on Instagram but I refused to open the app because I might see Matty's face. Or his curls, like on George's profile. I was living in a tricky game of limbo.

My typical morning was spent getting ready for work and then coming home, changing into some joggers and then curling under a blanket with my good buddy Oscar Wilde. My phone was on the other end of the couch, with the volume on, just in case I received a message.

From Matty.

Or not.

Just when I thought that this chapter of my life was horribly boring, I received a text. When I crossed the living room to see who it was, surprise washed over me when I saw that the text was from Sammy. I hadn't heard from him in a while, and I had almost forgotten that area of my life had existed because I hadn't set foot in the club in weeks.

Hey Andy! Good news! The club will be opening soon, most likely next week. Only bad thing is that our sound system is down for good, we have to use a dinky CD player from the back. Hopefully that doesn't ruin anybody's routine, see you next Thursday for rehearsal.

I shot him a quick response.

Thanks Sammy, I'm excited to start working again, hopefully the stereo is able to keep the beat without skipping!!

I was giddy already, thinking about Andy's red wig. When I looked in the bathroom mirror to see that Andy wasn't in front of me, the excitement faded away. I wasn't Andromeda. I was Celeste, and I still had Celeste's problems. But was Celeste ready to face them? Hell no.

Celeste then walked to her kitchen and grabbed a can of tomato soup from her cupboard. She decided that instead of using milk in the base, she would use water so that she would have something to pour into her coffee the next morning. However, she found that it made her soup unappetising and gluggy, but she still ate it anyway.

Halfway through her bowl she had a wonderful idea, and immediately texted Sammy if there would be an alternative to playing music with stereo.


I felt Matty in a heavy dream that night. He and I were back in my living room, getting tipsy off my wine supply. The buttons on his shirt were left opened and his chest tattoos were visble. I felt myself staring at them, but it fed Matty's ego, so I kept glancing down at them. He drew closer to me, stars in his eyes, and purred in my ear. 

"Would you like another glass?" he asked, already making a move to give himself a top up. I scrunched up my face and shook my head. I felt the same as I did the last night he and I were drinking. Woozy and disoriented, but also very, very giggly.

In my dream he felt more vivid. I hadn't noticed that evening, but Matty had one curl that kept flipping into his eyes. He desperately tried to push it out of the way but it refused to stay out of the way. The rings on his hands glinted every time he tried to move it out of his face, and then they would smooth out his silk shirt in a huff. He looked different than I had once remembered, but it may be because I missed h-

My alarm clock shook me awake, and when I rolled over, I wasn't surpised to see that I was alone.

Sammy hadn't responded to my text message yet, and it worried me that he wouldn't be open to my plan. I had done so many favours for him over my time at the club, he owed me. I decided to send him a text that would remind him of that.

Just a subtle reminder that I took many a dinner order for you and the girls while on my way to the club.

Aaaaand remember that I helped you decorate and then RE-decorate when you went through a phase of liking neon..

OH! and my personal fave - when you asked me to bring ice lollies to your house when you were going through divorce papers. Sammy, you owe me.

I left my phone to charge while I made my coffee. He had to consider the points I brought up...


andromeda // matty healy auWhere stories live. Discover now