Flirt Right Back

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Matty showed up at my door later that evening looking very suave.  His hair was a little more tame and pushed back, and he wore slim black trousers with a white button up shirt.  He looked like a million bucks, just smashing.

"Well my dear, you look ravishing." He spoke in fake, hoity toity voice, and he pirouetted me around.  He examined my short floral dress and long curls were held together in a silver clip that I had stolen from my mother before I left home.  My heels made me just a little bit taller than him.

"Why thank you my dear sir, as do you." I said back to him in the same mocking manner.  Laughing at each other, we went down the stairs and came to a stop at the second floor. The door swung open and a short, older gentleman stood in the doorway.  His posture made his sweater look like it was a million kilograms and his eyes looked as if he had not slept a wink in weeks.

"Hey Mr. Perry, we know, we'll keep it down next time, sorry." Matty said sincerely.

"It's no problem at all, just be mindful of the people living above you.  I hear everything through the floorboards and the vents."  Mr. Perry had spoken with the same voice that Matty and I had made fun of seconds ago. My face instantly turned bright red as I stifled my laughter.

"Let's go, Matty." I nudged him away and mentioned over my shoulder that it was nice to meet Mr. Perry.

As soon as we left our building, I exploded with laughter. Hitting Matty's shoulder with my bag, as he also found it funny that we came across the old man as we were mocking him.

"Okay, as funny as that was," he said between his laughter, "we're gonna need to take my car." Taking out his keys, we sauntered around the corner to his little Honda.  It was forest green in colour, and once inside, it reeked of smoke.  I didn't make a comment, but I take it that my attitude shifted, because Matty noted how I was put off by the scent, and opened the window in an attempt to clear the air.

After a short ten minute drive, we stopped of at the restaurant. It was called the Golden Pig, and I recognized it as the one where Matty said he worked as a server.

"I know I might be sounding a bit biased, you know, working here and all, but, this is the best Italian food I've ever had.  All the recipes came from the owner's Nona, who lived in Tuscany her whole life."  The place was sweet and quaint. Through the windows, I saw candlelit tables and trellises that held grapevines.  It looked very authentically Italian, which excited me.

"Let's go in!" I said, not bothering to hide my excitement.

Walking in the front doors, it was very stereotypical of a garden villa type scene.  Red and white tablecloths, the smell of bread baking, and the low chatter of other diners.  

Matty placed his hand on the small of my back, ushering me to the table he had his eyes on.

"Over behind that wall of green, love." He whispered into my ear, his hot breath leaving shivers down my spine.  We reached our seats and immediately opened the menu.  I could hardly contain my excitement for all the carbs I was about to indulge in.

Our server intoduced himself as George and he was very happy to see Matty, giving him a handshake-y bro hug before pulling out his notepad and getting back to business.  I ordered the baked chicken tagliatelle with tomatoes and capers, while Matty said he would stick with his usual, the mascarpone-stuffed ravioli with walnuts, pears and a burnt butter sauce.  George gave us a goofy smile and said that he would pass on our orders to the kitchen.

I looked at the diners around us.  It was already pretty busy in the place, which surprised me because it was a Monday evening.  Thinking about how busy it must get on a Friday or Saturday shocked me.   I guess this place is a real fan favourite around here.

"You're people watching, Celeste." Matty laughed at me.  I apologized for staring at other people, but he said he found it charming.  "It's like you never quite absorb what's going on close to you.  You're always observing things outside you're peripheral vision. It's kind of neat if you think about it.  Always taking the, uh, external factors into account."

He reached for my hand. It felt like he drew nearer, or the table had become smaller, because I felt close enough to Matty to smell his cologne.  Sweet, but strong.

George brought us our food, and it now smelled like we had been transported to Italy.  I felt the need to check it off my travel bucket list right then and there.  Matty and I exchanged a glance as he smacked his lips, ready to dive in.


We finished our hearty helpings and were both pleased with our meals. Completely full and ready for a catnap, Matty paid for my meal (which I offered to cover, but he insisted).  I saw he left a great tip for his buddy George for being such a good sport.

On the way home, playing the a mix CD he found in his car, Matty hummed along to his favourite songs.  It was similar to what he did when he poured me my coffee this morning, and it made me think that he must be very passionate about music, considering that it's constantly on his mind like this.

Parking his car behind our building, he said a single word: "wait". I did what I was told, as I saw Matty's nimble little legs run around his car so he could open the passenger side door for me.  I was flattered by the gesture, and gave a small curtsey to the gentleman.  We stifled our laughter, and then wandered our way back inside. Past the first floor, and the second, then we reached our stop.

I felt unfulfilled that this day was ending, I didn't want to leave yet.  I had gotten so much done and I was glad I spent so much time with Matty.  He was much nicer than his hard, cool rocker persona let on.  He was - dare I say - sweet.

"Hey, maybe we could get drinks sometime at this cool club I've heard a lot about."  He said desperately, wanting to keep me from entering my house.  He stood between my door and I in an attempt to keep our outing going on for longer.  "It's not too far from here, and it's got a really neat vibe about it. I haven't been in, but my mates say it's quite something."

"Sure, that sounds good to me," I whispered, doing my best to usher Matty away from my doorknob, so I could fish my key from my purse.  "What's it called?"

"Venus' something or other." He said with a smile.  "Maybe we could go this weekend?"

"Do you mean the Temple of Venus?" Stifling a smile behind my words. He nodded, his curls bouncing around excitedly.  "Matty, I'm pretty sure that's a strip club. I assume the friends that visited were males?"

He nodded, but slower this time, realized his mistake.

"See, I've had friends that went there too, also male, and they said it was a great place to see some good legs and get some hard drinks.  So, I might pass on that offer."  I spoke softly, with a sympathetic smile. I obviously lied when speaking about male friends that had visited, but Matty didn't have to know that.

"Oh, I see what you mean, then." He looked a bit sheepish, but quickly changed the subject.  "Would you decline an invitation to my place to have a glass of wine?  I'll make sure you get home safe after." He joked, knowing that the walk back to my flat would take a very short time.

I had work and rehearsal the next day, so I thought it would be best to end the date here.  Besides, I was a rather messy drunk when I had wine, and I didn't really want Matty to see me like that.

"Goodnight, Matty." I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.  His eyes doubled in size as he wasn't expecting such a forward gesture.  He breathed deeply, in an attempt to keep his cool.  He took my hand, as he did yesterday, and pressed his lips to my knuckle again.

"Goodnight." He said in a whisper, and he furtively crossed the hallway back into his flat.

Back at my house, I was getting ready for bed. As I was just about to turn off the lights for the night, I checked my social media on my phone one last time.

@trumanblack again.  I remembered how Matty said I didn't accept his follower request.  I went on a whim, and pressed the button "accept" and then the "follow back" button.

I went to bed, happy knowing I let Matty into my life, in more ways than one.

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