Beamer Boy

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I woke with a start as my alarm clock let out a shrill beep at 10am.  My eyes blinked a few times to remove the crusty buildup on my lashes as my arm reached for the snooze button. Sitting upright, I threw my lion's mane of hair into a ponytail and balanced my glasses onto my nose.

Taking my phone in my hand, I sauntered in the kitchen. I was still rubbing sleep away from my eyes as I poured ground coffee and hot water into my French press.

My duffel bag sat on the coffee table and I smiled at all the cash I earned last night.  Sammy was right, I did a really good job. I could tell I made connections with new men and strengthened my connections with the regulars.  Shoving my bag under the couch, I was almost ready to enjoy my coffee.

Just before I was about to grab a mug, I stopped in my tracks. I found the little note Matty had given me on my refrigerator, his phone number and a cheeky little 'xo' beneath it.  Taking a deep breath I figured that even though it wasn't quite 11am, I figured I would try dropping him a line.  I held onto the phone as I heard a few long rings, then a very groggy voice.

"Ello?" Matty spoke, clearly still under his covers.

"Hey Matty! It's Celeste, I've got some coffee on the go, and I was hoping maybe you could show me where some things are in the neighbourhood.  I see the grocery store across the way, but I've got to find a bank later today." I eyed my duffel bag and continued on,  "Uh, I was also wondering if there was a florist nearb-".

I was cut off by a knocking sound at my door.

"Oh, would you hold on for just a moment, please?"  I told him through the phone.

I turned the handle and opened the door to reveal, Matty leaning aginst my doorframe, in just his boxers.

"Good God, Matty! What the hell's the matter with you? Where are your pants?" I shrieked as I averted my eyes.  He must have jumped out of bed as soon as I called him, as he clearly had no time to put on any clothea.

"Oh hush, love, I know you don't mind at all." He pushed past me, and spoke in confident voice.  "Plus, I could say the same thing to you." He winked and coyly gestured to my long bare legs poking out of my green tee. My eyes rolled back into tyeir sockets as I responded by taking my duffel bag back into my room and digging around for a pair of joggers to wear.

"What do you take in your coffee, love?" Matty called to me.

Poking out of my room, I said I enjoyed my coffee black.  I lingered around my door and stared at Matty as inconspicuously as I could.

He was humming a song as he looked for our mugs, and he moved his slim hips in a sort of lazy dance while poured our drinks.  His back flexed as he picked up the cups and turned around to offer one to me.  Our eyes met and he let out a devilish smirk and he peeked his eyes out from under his head of wild hair.  Trying not to blush, I recovered from my staring by playing it off like I was walking out of my bedroom on my own terms.

"Like what you see, do you?" He laughed.  "'Cuz there's plenty more where that came from."

I let out a giggle and thanked him for the cup of coffee.  Then, I started to talk about our game plan.

"So, the grocery store's across the street," I stated, calling Matty over to the open window with me.  "And I work at the Cosmic Café, which is no more than 5 minutes up the street and one block over.  But, I'm not very familiar with anything away from that area.  I need a bank, because payday is coming up, and I'm looking for a florist as well."

"A florist?" Matty inquired as he sipped his coffee, "Any particular reason?"

I shook my head as I held my mug close to me chest. "I just enjoy fresh flowers, and I already have a few big plants in here, I might want to get more if these ones don't like their new home."

andromeda // matty healy auWhere stories live. Discover now