Bad Reputation

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"A stripper?" Claudette struggled for words. "What made you want to do that?"

She didn't speak to me in a judgemental way, like how I'm sure other people would react if I told them the truth. She asked in a more curious way, and listened intently to my story.

"Well," I began, "it all started when I was 17. I was scouted, sort of. I was at a shop and a man in a flashy suit gave me a business card, asking me if had ever modelled before, sort of questions like that. I had always had a passion for dance and gymnastics, so I snuck out of my house to go to an audition at the club. They thought I was of the legal age, so they didn't question why a minor was dancing on a pole."

Claudette adjusted her seat on my sofa as I continued. "So I have always been dancing at the club, I play a fierce redhead named Andromeda. I used to do it so that I could afford some dinner if we didn't have any food in the fridge, but now I do it because it's an enjoyable way to make money. Dancing makes me feel invincible, but I don't really like to tell people because it's seen as crude or vile."

"I see what you mean," Claudette said. "I am very happy that you were able to tell me this. So in return, I will tell you a secret of mine, that way you will not feel awkward about having told me your secret."

I was taken back by her proposal. She sat for a minute, not quite meeting my eyes, as she thought what she would divulge to me. She took a deep breath and twirled her braid between her fingers.

"One time, when I was just starting my university schooling, I was not doing very well." Her voice became quiet, so much so that I could hear the noises of the street outside. "I was taking very difficult classes and I did not know how to study at that level. I was failing a class that was very important to my degree, so I went to my professor's office hours to ask for extra help and..."

She looked at me blanky, I waited for her to continue, but she wouldn't budge.

"Claudette, did you...?" I started.

"I had sex with him to keep my grade up. He was my first, and even though I know we did something bad, he helped me realize I was gay." She said plainly. We sat in uncomfortable silence, but she erupted with laughter. I giggled, too.

"I guess I cannot be too upset with him or myself." She added. "Even though it was something I am not proud of."

"Thank you, Claudette. You're really brave for talking about that with me." I said.

"We are both brave, Celeste."

We swore not to tell a soul about our secret exchange. I gave her a hug, thanked her for breakfast and saw her out of my door.

"I'll see you soon." She placed two kisses on either side of my face and made her way downstairs. "Oh, hello Matty." I heard her say as she passed him in the corridor.

"Hey," he mumbled. I stood in my doorway, and he nodded in my direction. He walked up the stairs to the third floor but then stopped dead in his tracks.

"What did you two get up to?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing," I smirked, "just girl talk. Why?"

"Nothing," he retorted. Matty smoothed out his shirt and strode to his front door.

"D'you wanna come in and have breakfast? I haven't eaten yet." He still sounded groggy from last night. He must have spent the night at one of his friend's places.

"Claudette and I just had breakfast, but I'll come in for some tea, if you don't mind." I grabbed a crewneck from the closet near my door and then walked into Matty's flat. When I walked past him, all I smelt was the residue of last night still on him.

andromeda // matty healy auWhere stories live. Discover now