Authors Note

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Hey all, so it's been a long time since I updated this story. I'm really sorry about that. My computer that I had the file for this story on it kind of died so it's slow going getting things back to where they were. But I feel so bad about not having anything written for this in a long time (mostly because this is one of my favorite stories to write) I decided to post a side chapter that has nothing to do with the real story line. Fun right? Right you can't answer that just yet.....(*~_~) Anyways this chapter will be up on Halloween so yeah it might end up as the teams having a party or something. Anyways I also wanted to use this as a chance to answer some questions. You all have until the 29th to send me a question that a character will answer or I will. So please leave your questions or even suggestions in the comments of this note or send me a personal message. As for normal updates on this story again well I can't tell you that they will be out right away but I will try to start updating more often starting in late November, early December. Again I'm really sorry about the lack of updates and I will try to get a normal schedule up for this story as well as a few others. So to repeat side story first than at the end of that I will answer questions about the story that you all might have. If it's hard to answer them or the answer will be in upcoming chapter I will more than likely skip answering it. I will also be using people's names asking questions if you don't want that then please let me know. Ok I think I have taken up a lot of all your time so I'm going to get started on that side chapter now!


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