Chapter 20

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Naruto’s pov.

          I was a little surprised that Yuki didn’t win the first round and our team didn’t win the second or third one either but Yuki had waved at the man who had won. “I will now tell you the advantage that Kakashi Hatake won in the first round. He will not have to compete or he could choose one of his team members to sit out of this round or he can save it for the next round but the rules may change for how it’s used.” Fumio says before he walks over to Kakashi-sensei. He looks at his team before shaking his head. Asuma-sensei leans over and whispers something in his ear than we couldn’t hear. “I’m not going to use it.” Kakashi-sensei says as he looks over at our team before letting his eye rest on Ten-Ten and Yuki for a few seconds longer than the others. “Alright when we will start our next round. The 6 people with the lowest score will be kicked out. We will start with Temari from the sand village.” Fumio yells.

          I watch this round with fascination and when Yuki walks into the room I see her eyes flash red/ orange flames in her black eyes. “So are we done here?” Yuki asks before giving a small yawn and the ninja in front of her looks frustrated. He tries again and again and again before looking over at the person that was behind him. “I can’t put her under.” He yells and the door to the room opens. “The time is…” Fumio yells but both the ninja helping him out and had been calling times shake their heads. Fumio looks a little shocked before looking over at Yuki who was yawning again and looked board. “Are we done?” Yuki finally ask again and the two that were with her nod before letting her out of the room. Yuki walks over to Kakashi-sensei who sighs and shakes his head a little. “Now who’s the show off?” Kakashi-sensei asks her and she shrugs her shoulders like it was nothing. By the end of the round Ten-Ten was out and Yuki was called the winner. Some of the other villages were looking Yuki up and down like she was now some kind of new threat and I was a little worried for Yuki.

          “How did she do that?” Ino yells as she points at Yuki before looking over at Sakura then myself. “Her kekkei genkai. Part of it is that she can’t be put under genjutsu. It’s really helpful in missions.” Mai says as she walks over and Ino gives her a hate filled looks. “How would you know anything about that?” Ino says before looking over at Kiba who was shaking hands with Zaku. “Zaku and Mai are on Yuki’s team Ino. I thought you would remember that.” Sakura says and we all look back up at the screens. “Alright we will have one more round before stopping for the night. We to have the team chose the 2 fastest members for a small race throw the village. The last 3 villages to arrive will not be continuing tomorrow. That means 3 villages will be losing 2 members if they came in last.” Fumio yells before looking at the teams. “This is right up Snow’s ally. She will be in this race for sure!” Kiba says before smiling like mad. I think it was good to see him so happy with Yuki gone on a mission. “Kakashi and Yuki as a team on this will be the best.” Guy-sensei yells before jumping into the air.

Asuma’s pov.

          “So who are we choosing?” I ask as I look at all of them and Yuki had her hand razed. Kakashi chuckles a little before patting her head. “Yuki for sure. I mean she will be back in a flash.” Kakashi says before Yuki giggles a little nodding her head. “How about you two then?” Neji asks as he looks at Yuki and Kakashi. “Please?” Yuki ask as he looks up at Kakashi and he sighs a little. “Alright, only if the others are fine with it.” Kakashi says before looking up at us. I nod before looking over at Umeko who had a big smile on her face and she nodded as well. Neji just sighs before finally nodding his head as well. “Yes!” Yuki says before giving a small jump then a big smile. Kakashi rubs the back of his head and they walk over to where the others that were running her standing. “Alright we have our runners for this round. Now for the rules of this round. No using jutsus to attack the other teams competing, using kunai and shuriken are allowed. Now you can’t hit any villagers as you run or your out of the race. Jutsu’s to enhance your ability to run are allowed.” Fumio says before he walks over to Kakashi and talking to him without using the microphone. ‘Kakashi would be a fool for not using that advantage in this round.’ I think as I watch Fumio who had a big smile on his face. “Kakashi Hatake will be using his advantage this round.” Fumio yells and there was a cheer that rings throw the arena.

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