Chapter 18

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Yuichi’s pov.

          I had just given my team their wakeup call and when they came out of their rooms I frown a little when I see Yuki was in the boy’s room. “Sorry again for waking you up so early. I didn’t think you would mind.” Yuki says as she looks up at Kakashi who nods his head. So she was up early and didn’t want to wake the other girls. I lead then to the arena and once there Fumio greeted all of them and those of us that were guides stand behind our teams on the walls. “Sorry to call you all here so early but we decided to move the starting time of our tournament up a day seeing as how all the teams are here now. As you all know you filled out cards for us to know your names and specialties but there are a few of you who don’t have one so that is what we want to determine today.” Fumio says before giving them all a smile. We had to keep some villages apart but I noticed the sand village was standing by the leaf village.

          Yuki leans over and whispers something to the boy who answered the door and he shakes his head a little. I don’t think I have seen him smile one the whole time he has been in our village. “I will call out two people from each village and we will start the testing. Alright the first village will be the grass village….” Fumio says and I tune him out until he says “I need Neji and Ten-Ten from the leaf village.” I give a small sigh of relief that Yuki wasn’t called forward for this first round of testing. There were walls up so only people from their own villages could see the test but not the others. After an hour of testing they walk back and the next group was called up. “From the leaf village I need Asuma and Umeko.” Fumio calls and they walk forward. ‘What are the chances that the two Hatake’s will be testing together?’ I think as I watch my team. They were all really good but I wanted to see what Yuki could do. After another long hour of testing it was finally time for Yuki and Kakashi to go up. Kakashi leans down to whisper something into Yuki’s ear making her nod her head before they walk forward when they were called. It was amazing to see them move together and if I didn’t know any better I would say they were holding back a lot.

          By the time they were all done Fumio has a big smile on his face before walking over to all the teams talking to each person and giving them the results of the testing. By the time he got to the leaf village his big smile started to disappear. I was a little worried about what was being said. Yuki was at the end by Kakashi and Fumio’s smile was back when he had started but it was gone the moment he was standing in front of Kakashi. They were talking for longer than anyone else before Kakashi shakes his head and took a few steps back from Fumio. The moment he looked over at Yuki he had a really big frown on his face and shook his head several times before talking to her. She rubbed the back of her head a few times before Fumio storms away from her. They all walk over to me and Neji had his hand on Yuki’s back patting it. “He doesn’t know what he is talking about. I don’t understand why he was so hard on you two than the rest of us.” Ten-Ten says before frowning but smiles brightly at her. I take them back to the hotel and Yuki walks into the boy’s room a frown on her face still making me a little sad. I was hoping to ask her out before she leaves the village. I walk over to the place I was supposed to meet up with my team hoping the day would go better for Yuki.

Yuki’s pov.

          “I can’t believe he said that.” I say as I pace at the end of the bed. “What is wrong with me?” I finally ask looking up at Asuma and Kakashi hoping they would have the answer. “Nothing is wrong with you. It’s ok to not have a specialty and to force one on a person is wrong.” Asuma says as he stops my pacing. I sigh and shake my head. “I think you’re a great ninja Yuki and some people are very well rounded so they can’t have a label put on them.” Neji says giving me a small smile from where he was sitting. Kakashi hadn’t said a word yet but was sitting on the bed lost in thought. ‘Yuki everything is alright. I think that man is crazy to want to have you give out your specialties. That is something most ninja like to hide. Think of it this way your hiding your true skills from them.’ Yuriko says and I felt a little better now. “What did Yuriko just say?” Kakashi asks and I look over at him. “That Fumio was crazy and that I was hiding my true skills.” I say and Kakashi stands up giving me a close eyed smile. “That is a great way of thinking about it.” He says and then we all relax a little.

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