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A/N: Prologue was fixed to fit guidelines.
This chapter was fixed a bit. Prolouge is short, other chapters will be normal length.

I felt hopeless.

In simpler words, I felt nothing was worthy anymore.


I gave up my family, friends, career, life, to be with the man I loved. Only to be stabbed in the back.

Was it my fault for loving too much? For depending on him too much?

Every despairing thought swirled in my mind, as I look at my ghastly, yet once beautiful reflection.

That's right.

It was all because of my appearance.

Had I not been born with rare and delicate features, I wouldn't have been sweet-talked and mislead into darkness.


Even till the end, I blamed my looks.

How vain could I get?

I can't blame my appearance, only myself for being a naive girl. For being stupid.  For being rebellious. For being heartless.

For one man, one man, I had forsaken the people who showered me with love since my birth.

No matter how many regrets I feel now, it's too late.

I cannot bother my family, nor anyone I love, anymore.

I can't ask or accept mercy from them; the damage is far too great.

I can only self wallow in pity.

There's no meaning to life if I live in solitude. Depraved of happiness, care, or love.

Only death can offer me redemption, or at least I pray.

The crimes I've done are far too numerous, including breaking my parents to the brink of insanity.

I don't deserve forgiveness.

As my heart rate decreased in the hospital system, I felt sleepy, but very tired...

So I closed my eyes, and waited for the darkness to creep in.


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