Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

hey hey hey! chapter 7, hope you enjoy :D this will be a shorter chapter bc i actually made a decision to make most of the chapters short just bc it's easier for me and take less time! some chapters will still be long, just not a lot.

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc. and any similarities to a particular situation or event are purely coincidental.


After coming out, the world somehow had just seemed to get brighter for Harry and Louis. Having support from their friends and family was amazing and they smiled at the realization of how lucky they actually were.

The time continued to fly by, and the relationship was still nothing too serious (it had only been a month and a half for goodness sake), but for some strange reason both boys felt like each other was the one for them. But Louis was still on edge...


"Does..does that sound crazy..?" Louis asked slowly, biting his lip nervously as he waited for a reply from Lottie.

Typically, Lottie was the last person Louis would even consider talking to about his boyfriend or relationship, but at the moment she was the only one around and he was desperate.

Jay was working late again and wouldn't be home until at least one AM, when of course she'd be too exhausted to even keep her eyes open-let alone listen to her son blab on and on about his boyfriend, and Amy was on summer vacation with her family in Halifax for eight weeks so she wasn't around.

Lately, he'd been growing really close to Harry, but was also somewhat inching away, if that made any sense.

Louis had just been having anxiety about becoming close to his boyfriend.

It wasn't that he didn't trust him..well, at least he didn't mean to not trust Harry. He was a great guy-funny, sweet, charismatic, banana obsessed, and he made Louis feel beautiful and cared about. But he was just scared.

Louis was afraid that with becoming attached to Harry, he'd lose him instantly. He was supposed to be in love, and he was, but love and fear were crossing paths within him. Harry could have anyone he wanted, and he still chose Louis.

That kid would probably go to his grave swearing that Louis was the only one for him and yet the blue eyed boy could still have his doubts.

Ever since his father left him and his mother when he was a baby, he'd always been terrified of losing people. And unfortunately that fear carried on as he grew up and now it was plaguing him when he was supposed to be having the time of his life with the boy of his dreams.

And it wasn't even his father's disappearance that had given that gave him so much doubt. He'd just always felt like he was never good enough.

"But you're perfect to me," Harry would say. Louis could hear it loud and clear in his head. That should've been enough for him. His boyfriend's words should've been clear reassurance that he was enough and that Harry wasn't going anywhere, but it wasn't.

He desperately tried to keep himself from crying as he explained his situation with obvious struggle and strain.

"It's like..Harry is the one for me, I feel it. We get on so well and he likes me even though I..I don't like myself.." He trailed off, looking down. He felt so sad saying that, but it was the ugly truth.

"..And um..yeah, I have all these feelings for him and he's everything I wanted but part of me still feels so...empty? Like he'll just leave me. I feel like I don't deserve him..and he's going to go. He says he won't, he tries to tell me I'm perfect, but I can't believe him. How is it that I'm in love with him but I'm not confident in our-oh my didn't just..did I..? I did, didn't I? I didn't..I-I didn't mean it like that..I mean-"

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