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Frank's POV

I have a plan.

"Please work on your worksheets silently for the rest of the class," the old teacher says, sitting down at her desk. I put my pen down and stand up, eager to put my plan in motion.

"Ms. D, can I go to the bathroom?"

She looks at me, raising an eyebrow, unconvinced.

I sigh, "Really, the bathroom this time. Promise." I even shake my leg to sell the story more. Students snicker and I try to keep my own face stoic.

"Fine," She dismisses me.

"Thanks!" I say, already at the door. Once outside the classroom, I begin to run.

The period before, I had purposefully left a notebook in the back of the class. As I reach the door, I slow to a walk, and enter the room.

Gerard's POV

I didn't really like biology. I would always zone out and doodle in my notebook. I'm doing this when the door squeaks open. Assuming it's just a student going to the bathroom, I keep my head down. But then I hear a voice that makes me tense up and freeze for a moment. I look up to see that familiar face.

"Mr. Armstrong!" He says as I turn my head down quickly.

Mr. Armstrong sighs, but I can tell he's smiling. "Frank. What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Don't worry, sir, I have permission to be here."

How much do we wanna bet that's a lie?

"I was just looking for my notebook. Forgot it here last period," Frank states.

"Ah, yes, here it is." I hear some things move around  and Frank thank him. Then the door squeaks again, and class resumes.

Frank's POV

I'm glad I don't pay attention in bio, and write lyrics on desks.

Oreos | Frerard [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt