Part 3 - Woodland Chase

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Fied opened her eyes. The world around her was a blur and her head hurt. She felt that she was holding someone's hand. She slowly shifted her head to the side and saw an unconsious Nolan, who still had his hand on Wolld's head. He was groaning. Fied forced herself up into a sitting position, and saw that Cecillia leaning over him, crying hard, and saying in a choked up voice:

"Wake up Wolld! Please wake up!" He groaned.

"It's okay... It's going to be okay!" Fied ran over to Wolld. He looked bad. He had a huge gash in his side that was bleeding. He would die from blood loss soon. Wolld was scarred on his legs from what looked like burns. The skin around them was white and peeling. On his left hand, were about nine pus filled green boils. Cecillia had removed his suit before it had become blood stained. She had also removed his shirt and was in the process of making a bandage out of it. Fied was suddenly very, very afraid. When she looked around her, she saw two things: skeletons and pools of blood. No flesh.

"They're back!" She shrieked in terror.

"Fied, I think they're looking for Wolld! Whoever's doing this, they'll just track you!" Cecillia's voice was urgent.

"Then let's go into the forest and hide. they can't find us again Cecillia, they... MOMMI!"

"Dead," Cecillia said sadly. Nolan opened his eyes.

"I like Fied's idea."

"I'm... not... suprised." Wolld put out his hand to a surprised Cecillia.

"No, lie down. Did you listen the whole time?" She asked, gently placing his head back on the ground.

"Are you okay Wolld? Nolan asked.

"Take a look at me and ask again," Wolld said in a strained whisper.

"What he means is how do you feel?" Fied cut in.

"Oh... just great... and... no... just Nolan's eager consent."

"You're like a censor," Nolan said quietly.

"You trigger me," Wolld tried to laugh, but instead wheezed and clutched his side. "Why... Is it... always me? Never anyone else." He gestured to his side and legs.

"I don't know Wolld. We think these-people- might be out to get you.

"It makes sense," Fied whispered. "What doesn't make sense is how we come out unharmed,or," she looked at Wolld, "Alive." Fied shook her head trying to clear it. Her second home. Destroyed. Just like the first. "Let's go to the woods," she said and stood to leave.

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