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Fied, Nolan, Wolld, and Cecilia were huddled together, shivering. Fied's voluminous gown was wrapped around them like a n'stuff of fabric supplying minimal warmth. Fied clutched a handful of embers in a feeble attempt at keeping her hands warm. She wished they had had the foresight to throw stones into the fire to heat them. She had always done that the night before the morning of the Sping Sunrise. Her stomach gave lurched. She covered her ears and tried to block out the horrible screaming, but it was something branded into her mind forever and it would never wash out.

She clutched Nolan's hand in hers and fingered Cecillia's mane of hair. Wolld slept next to Cecillia and was snoring softly. Fied pulled the gown over her head and thought in the safety of darkness. They had been stupid, coming to the woods so unprepared. They should've brought pots, blankets, socks, soap, cloths, and food. And yet they had left only with bottle of painkiller and the clothes they had on them. At least that had remembered THAT for Wolld. She dropped the embers and squeezed Nolan's arm tightly. Her head surfaced from the sea of itchy, gold fabric that seemed top imprison her. The dark was no longer peaceful. It s terrifying. She breathed in the cold night air and let out a choked sob. This was foolish. Ridiculous. Nolan was right. They were clueless. Stupid.

"It's okay. Go back to sleep. You need the rest." Nolan murmured. Probably awake because her finger were digging into his raw skin.

"We don't even know -," Fied started.

"Shhhhh!" Fied felt his calloused hand wrap around her mouth. After a few seconds he removed it.

"What was that?" She whispered anxiously.

" I thought I heard something. Sorry"

"That's f-"


"Huh?" Wolld sat up quickly. Cecillia remained motionless.


Fied screamed, then cupped hands over her mouth in recognition of what shed just done.


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