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Wolld groaned. a whole hour had past and he still hadn't found a suit that fit him right.

"Come on Wolld, show some enthusiasm. Or at least stop groaning and grunting so much," Wolld's uncle, Fededar, was at the tailor shop with him, and the two of them were trying on suits. In only two hours, Fied's ceremony would take place. "Look, try on t his black one. Mommi thinks it will look good on you." It was deep black with touches of gold on the jacket. If Wolld stood at just the right spot beneath the light in the dressing room, his whole suit shone. "Perfect," his uncle said when he drew back the curtain. The tailor's shop had two looms, three spinning wheels, and one pedal machine in one corner, in another, two leather curtains hung to make changing rooms. There were two long wooden tables at which sat a group of women marking marks on fabric with white chalk, cutting cloth from rolls, or sewing up sleeves for shirts. Uncle Fededar was dressed in a charcoal gray suit that matched his dark eyes and complemented his silvery hair and trimmed beard. He looked very handsome.

The bell on the door tingled and in walked Mommi and Cecillia. To Wolld's surprise, she was wearing a long and graceful black dress with shimmering gold designed that went perfectly with his new suit. Her hair was bouncier than ever, and was held back with a gold band. Mommi was dressed in a charcoal gray skirt and white blouse, with blue ribbons woven into it. "So this was her plan!" Wolld thought, "To dress in pairs!" Then Fied walked in. Her dark hair with gold streaks was put in a long fancy plait down her back, and she wore a long gown with a black sash. Wolld stopped in his tracks and gaped at his sister.

"Are we ready then?" Mommi asked. Wolld nodded and dreamily exited the shop, wondering when his sister had become so rediculously beautiful.

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