P A R A D I S E - T W E L V E

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Paradise - 12

Passion looked at herself in the mirror instantly smiling. She felt as if something in her life was going good. She has finally relocated, begining to make the amount of money she desires. She's not showing her ass, just a tad bit of it. The life of a video vixen had its pros and cons but Passion maintained.

Passion has been in LA for three days. For the time being she and Aaliyah were staying in a hotel for a week until she could find a apartment, condo just something suitable for them to call home. For Passion to be so young she had a good head on her shoulders and so far she could conquer anything thrown at her.

Today Passion wanted to go look at Daycares for Aaliyah. This would be Aaliyah's last months in daycares because this upcoming fall she would be starting Kindergarten which Passion is nervous about.

"Mommy do you think the other kids will like me?"

Passion looked down "Of course baby.. I don't see why not, i like you" She smiled.

"You're suppose to!" Aaliyah said then giggled.

"Don't worry sweetie ,they will love you, you're an amazing little girl ."Passion said reassuring Aaliyah .

"Mommy you're just saying that to make me feel good,I just want them to like me ,and I want to fit in."

Passion already knew Aaliyah would make great friends and fit right in but the doubt Aaliyah had ,made a Passion worry a little .Passion turned to Aaliyah and started tickling Aaliyah making her laugh .She loved making her baby girl happy.

"Mommy stop " Aaliyah attempted to say through breaths of laughter.Passion smiled at Aaliyah as she ticked her more .

1 5 M I N U T E S L A T E R

Passion continued to drive down the road looking at the address on the paper for one of the many daycares for Aaliyah .Passion had rented out a car for her and Aaliyah to get around in.Passion just wasn't ready to give her child to a bunch of strangers who call themselves caregivers , even if it was only for a couple hours,or the last few months before school.Passion was attached to her baby girl ,she would die if anything would happen to her ,she's basically the only thing she has left .

When Passion finally came to one of the daycares she was hesitant .She started to rethink if she really needed to get Aaliyah a daycare.

After 5 minutes of procrastinating weather or not to go through she couldn't get any valid reasons ,there was no way she could watch Aaliyah herself and there's no one to watch her since she's out here by herself..

She parked her rental car and got out ,taking Aaliyah out the car as well .They walked in the daycare center ,and were welcomed with greetings.Passion had went to the front desk to the receptionist.

"Hi I'm Passion and this is my daughter Aaliyah and I wanted to look around at your Daycare center and see if this could be the one Aaliyah could attend before school starts this fall"


Passion watched as Aaliyah ate her chicken nuggets from McDonalds .Passion picked at her salad and decided to eat some of her McFlurry instead ,after all the daycares her and Aaliyah saw she liked only one the best ,it was close to there hotel which they would be leaving soon and it was in a reasonable commute to elementary schools in the area it was perfect.

As Aaliyah finished her happy meal , Passion cleaned up her mess and covered the remaining of her salad for later .She held Aaliyah's hand as they crossed the McDonalds parking lot. Passion turned in her purse to reach for her keys and as she looked up a car was parked in front of them with a guy staring directly at her and Aaliyah.

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