Chapter 11-Shocks and Surprises

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Hermione's POV

Shock ran through body. I was completely dumbfounded. Me? A Seer? What is wrong with the world?! First, I feel a sudden attraction to Draco. Then, I break up with my boyfriend that I've had a crush on since like forever ago. And now I find out that I'm a Seer?! After all these years at being in this school, I find this out now. I felt so many emtions that I thought that I might explode. Confusion, curiosity, anger. So many questions were in my head that my actual, physical brain started to hurt. Okay maybe that's a little too far but that's kind of what it felt like.

"There must be some kind of mistake," I finally say. "I mean, how come I'm just discovering this now? There were so many times rhis would have been useful; but now, with Voldemort gone and the Wizarding World safe, what's the point? And-"

"-Ms. Granger, I know you must have a lot of questions, but I unfortunately cannot help you. I myself have never seen anything like this before," said Prof. Trelawny.

"I know, but can you just answer me this? Why have I never realized this before?"

"Maybe beacuse you haven't been in my class for so long. I never got the change to see your future, your abilities, your potencial."

"Okay well this is a lot to take in so I think I'm just going to go and rest for a bit." I turn to Draco and say,"Walk me back?"

"Yeah. Let's go," he replies as he nods his head toward the door. After an exchange of good-byes with Harry and Ginny, we do.

When we walking into the common room I plop doen on the couch and let out a big sigh. "This is too much information being squished into my brain. I feel like it's already exam time," I say, rubbing my temples. I hear chuckles come from Draco. "What? What can possibly be so funny?" I ask with an annoyed tone. "Oh come on Hermione. You? Too much information? Those words, I can guarantee, have never been used in the same sentence. Ever," he said through fits of laughs. "Oh please stop it. I'm not a computer you know?" I say smiling.

"What's a computer?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot how little knowledge you purebloods have when it comes to technology." Laughs are coming out of me uncontrolably now.

"Hey!" he says, punching my arm playfully. "Whatever. You want lunch?"

"Yes! I'm starving!" I say as I get up off the couch.

"Well your not getting any until you apologize for saying that I have little knowledge," he said with a fake hurt expession.

"What?! That's so unfair I didn't even mean it like that," I say, playing along with a smirk starting to crawl up my face into a smile as I think of a plan to get my food.

"That's not an apology," he said with a high pitched voice, hnting that he wasn't going to gve in soon. But I had a plan. I walk up to him slowly and say sweet yet sneaky tone,"Well is this an apology enough for you?" Then I start to tickle his stomach with full determination to get him to give in. He laughs uncontrolably. I knew he had to be ticklish! I mean, who isn't! He gets away from my grip but I chase him around the common room. Suddenly, he turns around and starts to tickle me, who unfortunately, wasn't ready for that. He stops and sets me down on the ground. I didn't even realize that he had lifted me until my feet touched the ground. "You do realize I'm not going to give up anytime soon right?" he said with his signature Malfoy smirk; but this one is different, it seems less sinister and more playful and young.

"Oh yeah? How about now?" I say as I lean in. Next thing I know I'm kissing Draco Malfoy! Me, the Gryffindor Princess, kissing Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince! I pull away when I realize what I'm doing. "I am so sorry," I say. "I don't know why I just didn't that," even though I knew exactly why. I've always had a somewhat attraction to Draco. There's no denying it, he's hot. But every since the beginning of the year, which hasen't been very long I know, I've had a stronger magnetic feeling toward him. "I can't believe I just did that! You probably don't even think of me in that way," I say, mumbling the last sentence. I look at me feet in total embarrassment. I feel a finger on my chin and my head raise a bit. I look straight into Draco's eyes and his to mine. "Of course I think of you in that way Hermione. I always have actually...." he said mumbling the last part, but I got it. "So what now? I mean we kissed. But you know, I can't be in a relationship right now, I just got out of one and I just....," I say, trailing off in the end. I miss Ron, but I can't the look of rage and anger on his face out of my head. I realize that I had shred a tear. I quickly wipe it away before Draco notices, but it was too late. I felt him put his are around my shoulders and pull me into his chest. I softly cry into his shirt.

I pull away after a minutes. I say,"I'm sorry, I got your shirt all wet."

"I doesn't matter. How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess...."

"Well lunch is over so why don't you go get cleaned up and then we can go to class. If you want to, I mean."

"Yeah. I'm fine to go to class."

*End of the day*

I went about my day, and it was really boring. I didn't tell anyone about my encounter with Draco. I know that Harry and Ginny are trying to get along with him, but they're still going to freak! I got ready for bed. I crawled in and fell in to a deep sea of unconsciousness.


Yay! I finally updated!!!! I'm soooo sorry for not updating but I've been preparing to take the test to get into high school and I am so stressed with it.

I know that this chapter is short and it's a little rushed at the end, but I promise that the next one is going to be better. Although I'm not sure when that will be. And I'm still going with the flow with this story.

Love you all!!!!



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