Chapter 10-Special Powers

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Draco's POV

It's been a week since the incident between Hermione and Pansy in the Great Hall. I visited her everyday and everynight. I hosnestly fell like this was all my fault. I mean if I didn't befriend Hermione then Pansy wouldn't be all jealous. There was a pang in my heart, guilt. I still can't believe that Hermione already got hurt, we haven't even been back at Hogwarts for a full month! At least Pansy has been suspended for a whole month.

I decided that I would visit her again. I headed toward to the hospital wing. I got there and sat by Hermione's bedside. Still no progress. I whispered to her,"Please Hermione, wake up. Everyone misses you. Even I do." Nothing. I leaned foward and kissed her forehead. Then something happened. A miracle!

Hermione's POV

I started to stir up. I felt like I have been sleeping for like, forever. I saw a bright light and squinted my eyes to adjust to the different light setting. I saw a face, it was the one and only Draco Malfoy. He looked happy and shocked at the same time. "Hermione your finally awake!" he said as he hugged me tight with a goofy grin plastered on his face. "Umm.. Okay.." I said, slightly confused at why he was so happy. "I remember everything that happened but just one question," I said as he nodded. "How long was I asleep?"

"A week."


"Let me go get Madam Pomfrey," said Draco and with that he left and went into the nurse's office.

A few moments later, Draco came back with Madam Pomfrey by his side. "Well Hermione, I'm just going to do a quick check up and we'll see if you can go, okay?"

"Okay," I replied. She closed the curtain right in front of Draco and started the check up.

*10 minutes later*

When she was finished, Madam Pomfrey opened the curtains and faced the others in the room. It appears that Draco called Harry, Ron, and Ginny down too. "Well she's free to go but Hermione," said and turned to face me once again,"I want you to rest so go back to you dorm and relax."


She turned toward the others and said,"The Headmistress said that you four may remain with Hermione for the rest off the day but all five of you must resume your classes tomorrow."


We walked back to Draco and mine's common room. Draco muttered the password so the others wouldn't hear. We walked in and I checked to see if anyone was following us before closing the door. "Okay guys, I need to tell you something," I said. "So two nights before what happened between me and Pansy, I had a dream. And it was exactly what happened in the Great Hall! Even throughout the day, my mood was the same and everything! It's not like when you have a dream and something happens in that dream then it happens in real life. No this was different; this dream was exactly the same. Do you guys have any idea of what might me happening to me?"

I look at my friends curiously. It was silent, until Ron opened his big mouth! "Okay that's great and all and I really what to help but, WHY ARE YOU TELLING MALFOY THIS?!" he said, raising is voice quite a bit at the end. "Ron we've been over this and you've got to understand that-" I said calmly until I was rudely interrupted. "-NO I DON'T UNDERSTAND! AND YOU WHAT TO KNOW WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE HE HAS MADE OUR LIVES MISERABLE FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU DECIDE TO FORGET ALL OF THAT!"

"Mate just calm down," said Harry to Ron.


By now I was shaking with tears. I hate it when he yells because he always takes it too far!

"Great!" said Ginny sarcastically," you made her cry! Nice going Ronald."

I pick myself up from my emotional state and yell," THAT IS IT RONALD WEASLEY! I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE," I say gesturing to the top of my head,"WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING ABOUT DRACO! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK HE'S HAD IT BETTER THAN US?! YOU SHOULD CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY THAT YOU WEREN'T IN DRACO'S SITUATION! HE WAS FORCED INTO BEING A DEATH EATER, TORTURED BY HIS OWN FATHER, AND HAD TO GO THROUGH WITH VOLDEMORT LIVING IN HIS HOUSE! YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! WE'RE THROUGH! I just can't do it anymore." My voice got raspy at the end but that's okay, I stood my ground. I look at Ron, never meeting his eyes, and see realization hit him hard. "Oh my Merlin! I am so sorry Hermione! Please don't leave me! I love you!" he begs. "I'm sorry Ron but this has gone way to far and I can't deal with you anymore. I'll always love you but not in that way. I'll always love you as a brother."

He storms out of the room angry. Harry and Ginny look at each other, then at me. "Hermione I-I don't know what's gotten into him. I-I'm so-" says Harry but I cut him off. "-No it's fine let's just look at the situation at hand," I say, wiping away my tears. "Hermione we can continue this tomorrow. we don't have to do this now."

"No I'm fine. This is way more important."

"Fine," they say in unison.

"So, what do you think this means?"

"I don't know but what every it is, we have to find out quick," said Ginny. "Well we know that it's not like what happened with Harry and Voldemort because that was looking into someone's mind, seeing what is happening at that exact moment," I say and they all nod in response. "The thing that happened to me was more like seeing into the future."

"You guys don't think that she's a Seer do you?" asked Draco.

"No she can't be. Remember what Professor Trelawny said about her in third year? And then Hermione stormed out of that classroom? Since then, she hasn't even been inside the Divination classroom," replied Harry. "It's still a possibility. I mean Professor Trelawny has been wrong before. I say that during free period tomorrow we go together and ask her what she thinks," I suggested. A murmur of "okay's" came from everyone. "Great now that that's settled I'm going to rest. You guys do what ever you want to," I say.

They left and I slept for the whole day. I was still shocked at what happened with Ron. I can't believe it! I mean, at least Harry's making a effort. Ron is just so difficult sometimes.

*Next day*

The next day was pretty boring. I was waiting for free period to come, which was right before lunch. When the time finally came I waited for the others to arrive. When we were all there we walked in and saw Prof. Trelawny cleaning her classroom. "Oh hello I didn't even hear you lot enter. Please, come in," she said. we sat down in one of the desks closest to her's. I explained everything to her: my dream, what happened in it, and the fight with Pansy.

"Well dear, this is a very rare situation. Possible, but rare. Of course you know that a Seer can see into the future but through a prophecy. Well you, Hermione, are a Seer. But you are a special one. You are able to see into the future with anything. Dreams, prophecies, etc."

My jaw dropped at this news.



I'm backkkkkk!!!!!!!! OMG it's been so long since I've updated! I feel really bad! I'm soooooooo sorryyyyyy!! I had MAYJOR writers block on this chapter. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure how this story if going to play out. I'm just winging it! I know what I want to happen, I just don't know what to put in between. it kind of like fill in the blanks, and there are A LOT of blanks. So tell me if you have any suggestions!

This chapter took a while to write and it still probably sinks but I promise that the next one will be better!

Love you guys!



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