Chapter 4-Realizing the Truth

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Hermione's Pov

I woke up at 6:30 the next morning as usual. I headed to the bathroom and opened the door. Right when I opened the door, I saw Draco pulling up his pants. I turned around as fast as I could. "Sorry! I probably should have locked all of the doors," he said. "Yeah you probably should," I said in an obvious tone.

He left the bathroom and I started to get ready. I put on my robes and walked into the common room. I saw Draco sitting on the couch. He turned around and said,"Shall we go?"

"Why did you wait for me?"

"Just thought I would be nice"

"You really have changed haven't you?"

"Yeah," he said looking down at his lap. I though about last night on the train. "Ok I believe you," I said finally. "Really?" He said looking up.

"Yeah," I said, "really." I felt my cheeks flush. What is happening?! I CAN NOT be falling for Malfoy?! I thought.

"Well, come on. You don't want to be late for breakfast," he said. We walked down to the Great Hall standing really close to each other. Why do I not fell like I'm going to vomit? I thought. I walked to the Gryffindor table as he walked to the Slytherin table.

I took a seat between Ron and Neville. "Why were standing so close to him? Did he put some spell or potion on you? Are you ok?" said Ron in a worried voice. I chuckled a little at how worried he was. "I'm fine and no. He did not put a spell on me or anything," I said. There was an awkward moment of silence. "Listen, I've been thinking about what Malfoy said last night and..........," I said nervously, putting my head down,"and I believe him." I looked up to see confused faces. It was like seeing them when Luna was talking about nargles.

"Mione, you can't honestly believe that Malfoy, out of all people, could change. I mean he's been out worst enemy since we got here!" stated Harry. "I know but people can change," I pointed out. "Yeah but people don't just change like that!" he said more seriously.

"But after what happened, he might have realized what he did wrong! I mean it has been 3 years!"

"But this is Malfoy we're talking about!"

"I thought that you would back me up on this!"

"Well I'm not so get over it!"

I got up and ran out of the Great Hall almost in tears. Harry had NEVER yelled at me like that. As a matter of fact, we never had a fight. Only a little disagreement in fourth year about me not being an owl or something and when be didn't want to join S.P.E.W. I ran up to my dormitory and plopped myself on the couch. I stayed there for awhile, deep in thought. When I realized first period was coming soon, i finally got up. For the rest of the day I avoided Harry and the others in class and in the halls.

It was almost curfew when I arrived at my dorm. I had just came from the library to get my mind off of things. I saw Draco sitting on the couch, lost in thought. "Hey," I said.

"Oh, hey," he said.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"So what happened at breakfast. I saw you storm out of there angry and upset."

"Oh, that? That was nothing. Just a little disagreement with Harry and the others."

"It was about me wasn't it?" He said looking depressed.

"What? No. Why do you get that impression?" I told him lyingly.

"Well I figured, you just forgave me and I thought that maybe you would try to convience them to forgive me too."

"You know, you're more clever than you look. Well, for a blonde," I said jokingly. We gave out small giggles. "C'mon let's go," he said.

"Let's go where?"

"It's past curfew. We have to do our rounds."

"Oh, yeah. Our rounds"

We exited the common room and walked the halls, looking for some troublemakers. As we were walking, I asked,"So what happened to you after the war?" He stopped walking. We stood there in silence. I could see the anger boiling inside of him. "Nevermind. If you don't want to talk about it, then that's fine. But you know, if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here to listen," I said. "Well, if you must know-"


Ok everyone, so sorry that this chapter was late. My karate class last night ran late. The next chpter should be up by between Tuesday and Thursday.

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