Chapter Eleven: Epilogue

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A/N: instead of finishing the story in the last chapter, I decided to cap it off with the hot chilli epilogue, just like in the movie. Please enjoy, and try not to cry your eyes out in laughter because of how funny it was. Plus, it's my favourite part of the film.


"How groovy is this, man?" Shaggy asked, as he and Scooby were sitting around a small table with some pizza, peppers, and some other food.

The gang decided to stay for one more day, and then, they could all head home. Braedey, Chika, Jessie, Andrea, Tyler, and Diana were also with them, sitting one table over from the two, them relaxing and feeling good after beating Scrappy.

"This is awesome!" Tyler announced.

"Spooky Island finally came through with its 'All-You-Can-Eat' deal." Shaggy opened a jar of peppers, and placed one on a slice of pizza. "And there's nobody I'd rather gorge myself with than you, Scooby-Doo." He added.

"Couldn't have said it better than me." Chika agreed, having a large hamburger with a milkshake alongside her, as well as about ten tins of chocolate pudding.

"Ry best friend." Scooby smiled to Shaggy.

"Aw. You are the best." Jessie commented. She leaned over, and gently patted Scooby's back.

"You're my best friend, Scoob." Shaggy said, holding up a pizza slice with the pepper on it. "You're beautiful like, a beautiful piece of pizza." Shaggy took a bite with the pepper, but spat out the pepper, because of how hot it was, and Diana, Braedey, and Scooby laughed at this. "Zoinks! Them peppers is, like, hot!"

"Ha. It's because you can't take the heat. Me, on the other hand..." Braedey picked up two peppers from the jar, flicked them up, and caught them in his mouth, then swallowed them whole. "Slick." He then burped a little bit of smoke from his mouth.

"Careful, Smokey." Diana snickered.

"Rimp." Scooby added.

"Wimp? Think you could handle it?" Shaggy asked, then moved the jar of peppers to Scooby. "Why don't you put your mouth where your mouth is!"

Scooby took the jar, sniffed it a little, and moved back a little. "Rokay." Then, to the girl's shock, he took all of the peppers from the jar in one go! Scooby placed the jar down, and sighed in relax. But then, the heat was getting to Scooby. He started to pant, and he was trying to cool off.

"Scooby-Doo." Braedey looked to Scooby in concern. "You feeling okay, buddy?" He asked.

Then, Scooby screamed out, as steam shot out of his ears, as he finally reached boiling point. "Ro no!!" He grabbed a jug of water from a waitress, and drank it down in one go. He then picked up a metal plate, and began to wave it like a fan in front of his face. Then, he grabbed it, and suddenly began to slam his face into it, leaving a dent of his face in the metal, and kept hitting himself in the face for 10 times, as Braedey, Diana, Chika, Jessie, and Andrea laughed at the spectacle.

"Here you go, Scoob!" Shaggy grabbed a ketchup bottle, then he pulled out Scooby's tongue, and began to pour the ketchup onto the tongue. As he does, steam began to appear on Scooby's tongue, as it soon cooled down. Then, Shaggy lets go of Scooby's tongue, and he relaxed from his burning sensation. "How'd that taste man?" Shaggy asked.

"Mmmm. Delicious!" Scooby smiled to him.

"Well, garçon, let's get two more!" Shaggy reaches over behind him, and got two jars of hot peppers. Scooby took one, then they pulled off the lids, and clinked jars. "On the count of three."

"Everyone, I'd advise we should take cover." Braedey said to the others, and they all ducked below the table.

"One...Two...Three!" The two friends took the jars in one go, but after they took them, their mouths burned like there was no tomorrow.

Outside the Spooky Island hotel, there was smoke appearing from the 'eyes' of the tiki mask out front of the hotel, and this clearly indicated how hot it was, with the loud and incoherent screaming from Shaggy and Scooby.

They'll be feeling that burn in the morning

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They'll be feeling that burn in the morning...
The End.

A/N: this is the end of the story.
There we go. My reboot of the live-action Scooby-Doo movie. What did you guys think of it? Was it good? Tell me; what did you find funny, amusing, interesting, or all of the above?
I'll soon get to work with the second Scooby-Doo movie to cap it off here.

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