Chapter Ten: Dragons VS Monster

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With Velma and Fred, the two knelt down to Emile. Velma tried to take the Daemon Ritus from the injured Emile, but when she touched it, she flinched in pain like it had burnt her hand.

"Hey. Look, Velms." Fred told Velma as he noticed what could be a cut down at the man's necks. "A man in a mask."

Diana and Braedey walked up with the others. "Now let's find out who Emile Mondavarious REALLY is under the mask." He declared, kneeling down next to Emile.

Fred and Braedey grabbed onto the sides, but as they pulled the mask off, everyone was in shock of what they saw; they saw that Emile Mondavarious was really... a robot!!!


"...we love you, Scooby-Doo..." a recording of Emile's voice spoke out, as the Daemon Ritus was absorbed into the robotic body. "That alleged friend of yours, Shaggy... I shall absorb..." Then, to everyone's shock, the chest suddenly opened up, revealing...

"Puppy Power!!" The obnoxious and egomaniac voice of Scrappy erupted from the chest, much to the gang's shock.

"Scrappy Cornelius Doo?" Braedey spoke in shock.

"The nephew of Scooby-Doo?" Diana asked next in bewilderment.

"Correction: the new and improved Scrappy." Scrappy declared, as his body suddenly began to change, transmogrifying into something else. "Because I, Scrappy Dappy Doo, have absorbed enough energy, to rule the world with my all powerful army!!" He then turned to the gang, as they backed away from him, while Scrappy continued to change form. "And I've brought you here, puny pathetic Mystery Inc., along with those puny kids, to witness my moment of triumph. All I need to complete my transformation is..."

Scrappy's body now grew up to be standing 35ft tall, with large sharp claws, a large head with teeth jutting out from his lower jaw, and looked more terrifying than anything the gang had ever faced in their entire career.

"SCOOBY-DOO AND THE GIRL!!" Scrappy then bellowed, his voice as loud as a T-Rex roar

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"SCOOBY-DOO AND THE GIRL!!" Scrappy then bellowed, his voice as loud as a T-Rex roar.

"Re? Ron't you mean Melvin Doo?" Scooby pointed to said Melvin, who was just standing there.

"I think I regret saying we should go." Tyler muttered.

"SEIZE THEM!!!" Scrappy bellowed, and everyone now saw the guards were starting to surround them.

"Take them all down!" Braedey announced, shooting fire from his mouth and arms at some guards, sending them flying back.

"Y'all get back, cause the Iron Dragon is ready to rumble." Tyler warmed, his body now coated in his Iron Dragon Scales. "Time to be the sledgehammer!" He bulldozed his way through some guards.

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