Chapter Five: Spooky Island Castle

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Eventually, Braedey, Diana, Jessie, Tyler, Shaggy and Scooby followed Daphne, and they arrived at the Spooky Island castle that the voodoo man had told both Braedey and Daphne about. The place looked abandoned and had been left to fall apart, and nobody had touched it.

"Creepy." Jessie muttered.

Shaggy felt chills racing down his spine, and goosebumps appeared on his upper arms. "No way." He turned to Daphne, showing he wasn't going inside.

"Shaggy. Come on." Daphne huffed a little.

"Scoob and me don't do castles." Shaggy insisted, as the others watched.

Daphne grunted. "Why not?"

"Because, castles have paintings with eyes that watch you, and suits of armour you think's a statue, but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around." Shaggy explained as Scooby demonstrated these behind him.

"How many times did that actually happen?" Daphne scoffed.

"12. We're not gonna do it." Shaggy stated, and began to walk off with Scooby.

Daphne checked her purse and smirked, as she found something that'll get his attention. "Scooby?~" The Great Dane stopped, and turned to her, imitating he broke his paw. "Aw. Did you hurt your paw?" Daphne asked, as she held up a small biscuit. "Would you do it with a Scooby Snack?" She offered to him.

Scooby's mind flipped like a switch. "Roh boy!" He announced, running about like he's about to get a treat.

"And you'll be fearless?" Daphne said before letting him have the treat.

"Rearless?" Scooby asked as if she was stupid. Next, he held his fists up, then yelled out, and looked back and forth quickly, then did a butterfly karate kick, but accidentally kicked Shaggy in the face.

"Whoa. Hey, Hong Kong Fuey, watch the fists of fury, would you, buddy?" Shaggy rubbed his mouth.

Daphne smiled. "Here you go." She gave Scooby the snack now.

"Nice work." Braedey commented.

"There's plenty more where that came from." Daphne then looked around. "Let's go before someone sees." She insisted.

"Rokay." Scooby agreed, and with that, he, Daphne, Diana, Tyler, Jessie and Braedey ran up to the castle doors.

But, as Daphne turned around, Shaggy was still standing there. "You're not gonna stay out here alone, are you?" She glared at him, just as an owl hooted in the distance.

"No, thank you." Shaggy replied, a little shaky, but he headed off inside with them.


The large old wood double doors opened up slowly, and the seven walked in to explore and investigate the rather disturbingly and scary things that could be inside the castle. But, as they were only 7ft away from the doors, they closed all on their own, sending chills down their backs.

 But, as they were only 7ft away from the doors, they closed all on their own, sending chills down their backs

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