Chapter Six: Bump In The Night

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As the two gangs all talked about what they all had seek up at the castle tonight, Emile suddenly walked up, surprising the Mystery Inc. crew and Braedey's team.

"Mystery Inc. and Braedey's friends. You all seem rather cheery." Emile smiled, whilst walking over to them. "Good news, I hope?" He asked with a smile.

"Mr. Mononucleosis?" Fred looked to them. Diana, Jessie, and Andrea cover up a snicker, since Fred got the name wrong.

The man looked annoyed that he got his name wrong, but he allowed him to go on. "Yes?" He asked.

"We have hit a clue smorgasbord." Fred continued, as Velma showed the pyramid Braedey, Diana, Daphne, Andrea and Jessie found earlier tonight.

"We have three suspects as to who's behind this evil hooty." Daphne added to Emile.

"Yep." Tyler agreed, crossing his arms.

Shaggy put up three fingers for emphasis.

"Suspect One: N'Goo Tuana." Braedey listed the first suspect.

"He believes your theme park has been built on enchanted ground." Velma explained.

"Suspect Two: The voodoo man, who surely tricked me and Braedey into going to the castle." Daphne added, listing the second suspect.

"And you..." Fred pointed to Emile, which made him look gobsmacked. "Okay, teams. Let's split up, and meet here in half an hour. I'll interview employees to see if they've noticed anything odd." He told the gang.

"You got it, Fred." Tyler nodded. "I'll do some walk arounds the hotel, and see if there's anything out of the ordinary around this part of the building."

"Let's all keep an eye out, just in case anything rather ominous appears." Braedey added in.

"I'll work on this and translate these inscriptions that Daphne, Braedey, and the girls found." Velma added, holding the pyramid.

"I'll go research cults on the Net." Daphne told her, then the two girls high-five, and head on their way. Braedey nodded, then he and Diana began to do their walk around the hotel, acting casual.

"I'm a suspect?" Emile asked in surprise.

"Don't take it personally. It's mostly because you, creep me out." Fred told him, and walked off to ask employees about anything odd, whilst Shaggy and Scooby head off to the bar.


Braedey and Diana walked around the hotel, acting like a couple, which they were, and so far, there seemed to be one sign of anything out of the ordinary. The two of them sat down by a section of the bar, and they both listened to the sound of a piano playing, unaware that it was N'Goo Tuana playing it.

The two of them then noticed Velma was working on the small pyramid they'd found with Daphne up in the castle. As the two watch her work, they noticed the girl in glasses turn the circular piece in the middle of the device, and revealed more pieces tucked away, which had more information regarding about it.

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