Chapter 24

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 "Sernalina!" Candi exploded as I walked in through the door. She came racing down and hugged me.

 I laughed and hugged her back.

 "What's up with this?" I asked.

 "You weren't at the party. I was trying to look for you and I got scared."

 "I was with Punk. He took me out for a little walk."

 "You missed some pretty big things. Like Zack was dancing like crazy. He was dancing so much to Party Rock that people began to actually record it."

 "Is Zack ok with that?"

 "Yeah, he doesn't mind. He says that he use to do tons of YouTube videos on his phone and he'll put them on."

 "The party was fantastic," Celia said, coming up to us. "Though it did kind of went down when it was time to go."

 "Was Vince there?"

 "Yes, he enjoyed the party so much that he said to Zack that he might double his pay roll and maybe just give him a day off for wrestling."

 "That's nice. I guess the party was really that big."

 "Please don't get me started on some of those Superstars. They were really good dancers. Now, what was up with Punk wanting to take you out on a stroll?"


 "It was just a little walk," I said, trying to pass of my anxiety. "He just wanted to show me around the plazas and stuff."

 "It's true, Aunt Celia," Candi said. Thank goodness she came up to my defense. "I mean, there's so much things in Chicago that Sernalina didn't get to see."

 "You do have a point," Celia said. "And he's only trying to get to know us better."

 "Yes," I said, frantically. "I mean, that's the whole reason why he came down here right? Just to get to know us better? I mean, come on, he did all those fun family things so he can know how we are and stuff, right?"

 Celia looked at me strangely. "Well, that's the whole main point," Celia said.

 She turned to Candi. "Come on, Candi. You're going to be late for your dance classes."

 Candi smiled and she danced her way up to her room.

 I went up to my room and sat on my bed.

 My phone vibrated.

 I flipped it up.


 Hey, where did you go last night? I've been trying to get a hold of you!

 From: Annalynn

 I began to text her back.


 Oh, I just went for a walk with Punk. He just wanted to show me around the plazas and stuff.

 Sent to: Annalynn

 After a while, another text came marching back.


 For a stroll? In plazas? Did something happen between you two? Tell me! I promise not to tell. Pinkie swear it! :)

 From: Annalynn

 I sighed and wondered if I should tell her that Punk and me kissed. The kiss that made me feel all warm.

 The night that we walked around the plazas and parks. The night that I felt so comfortable with Punk. That night that mean that I wanted to be more than just friends.

 And he felt the same way too.

 So I called her.


 "It's me, Anna."

 "What happen? What went down between you two? Give me the full information!"

 "Ok, hold on."

 I closed my door and made sure that I heard Celia downstairs and Candi was in the shower.

 "Ok, so here's how it went..."

 I told her everything. I told her about how I danced with Punk. How I was taken away from the party by him. How he took me to the plazas and parks. How it was sparkling that night, with the stars and lights. How he took me to a park where we shared our first kiss. How the kiss was so warm. How the fact that being around him made me feel comfortable. How we went to his house and kissed some more. How I hoped that our kiss will never end.

 "Are you serious?" Annalynn said as I was done with my story. "He kissed you? HE kissed YOU?"

 "Yes," I said.

 "What did I tell ya? What did I tell ya? I knew he liked you. I knew it all along. Wait, how can this relationship last? Oh, this sounds like a good soap opera here!"

 "Anna, this is not a soap opera! My step-cousin is in love with me and I like him too but I'm afraid that this isn't going to work out between us."


 "So, what if like one of my family members finds out about our secret? What are we going to do then, huh?"

 "They just have to chill with it. It's not your guys' fault that you're totally in love with one another."

 "Yeah and it's not Punk's fault that they force him out of my life and never gets to see me again."

 "Well, I don't know what to tell you. Eventually, you guys will have to come out and declare your love for one another."

 "My mom will never approve of it."

 "I know but she has to understand that you're going to love each other unless one of you all of a sudden views the other as a brother or sister or whatever. You're just going to have to come out with it no matter what."

 "When though?"

 "Not now of course. Didn't you say you were having some struggling feelings to be with him?"


 "Then wait for a while. Until then...just tell him to wait."


 "I gotta go. Bye."


 Annalynn does give good advice when I'm in need of something. She was that of a good friend.

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