The Best We Can

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Requested by: Caseyleea246

Okay so this is a super sad one (imo). It's also kinda short, sorry bout that. Thanks for requesting everybody, I've got like six oneshots I'm working on😂😂!

"Hey Uma! You up for a swordfight? I'd like to work on my skills," Queenie, the Queen of Hearts' daughter, said.

"Sure. Here," she said and tossed a sword to Queenie.

The swords clashed as the girls dashed around the boat. For awhile it looked like Uma had the upper hand, obviously. She had confidence in her eyes, and her entire crew was cheering her on. Uma had trapped her, the sword locked against Queenie's. The other girl's sword slid, however, and pierced Uma. Queenie immediately dropped her sword, realizing what she'd done. "Oh my god, Uma!"

Uma fell backwards as Harry ran to catch her. Queenie ran away as tears flooded down her cheeks. "SOMEONE CALL AURADON, NOW!" Harry roared.

It had all happened so fast. Uma was on the ground, blood seeping out despite the cloth covering the wound. Harry clutched her body, tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Gil, any word from Auradon?" He angrily shouted.

"The lines aren't working."


"Harry, I'm gonna be o-okay." She coughed up blood as she said this.

"I know, love," He held her tight against his body, her blood soaking through his shirt. "But a sword stab right next to your heart needs to be checked on."

"Gil, I'm gonna have to run through the barrier."

"Harry-" Uma sputtered.

"No, Uma, I have to try."

"But then you'll get hurt."

"It'd be for you, love."

Gil and the others crowded around the barrier and watched as Harry tried to run through the barrier with Uma in his arms.
Their bodies were thrown back from the barrier and he grunted in pain.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Harry, she's bleeding out," Gil pointed out. Uma looked weak, tears were evident on her cheeks and her usual leathers were bloody and torn.

Harry cried. "Uma, there's nothing I can do." She nodded and leaned her head against his chest.

"It's okay baby. I'm gonna be-" she began to choke on her own blood, while Harry watched in horror as his girlfriend died in his arms. Gil knelt by his side, and they both cried over her body. Her crew members slowly walked away. Everyone was in utter shock. The most skilled swordfighter and pirate on the Isle had just died at the hand of a rookie. "Uma..." Harry cried.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch," he said through clenched teeth.

"Harry, no. I know you loved Uma, but she wouldn't want you to do that. Queenie didn't mean to do it, you saw her crying."

"That's not the point, Gil. She did this. It's her fault."

Harry laid Uma on the deck of the ship and pressed his lips to her forehead, before grabbing his sword and walking off the ship. He ran towards the Queen's "castle", anger searing through his body. As he neared the building, his conscience kicked in. Harry opened the door of the house and was met with a crying Queenie. "Harry...I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to...I was jus- just trying to practice....the sword slipped."

"Shut up. Just- just shut the hell up. I hope ye know what the fuck you've done. In any other circumstance, I'd kill ye. I'd cut your goddamn head off. But, because Uma would've been pissed at me, I'm not going to."

Queenie sank to her knees. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm so sorry."

"I need to get out of here before I change my mind."

He walked back to Uma's ship, tears forming again. Gil was sitting on the ship, holding Uma's hand. When he saw Harry, he stood up and pulled him in a hug. "How are we going to get through this," Harry whispered.

"The best we can."

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