Forever pt. 2

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"Yes, love?"

"We're pregnant."

Harry's jaw dropped. "Really? Oh my God that's amazing! Uma that's amazing! I'm going to be a father! And you! You're going to be an amazing mother. Oh my God I'm so happy!"

He picked her up and spun her in a circle. Uma began to cry. "Harry, this is amazing, you're right, but it's also going to be hard. Very hard on me, and very hard on you, because of me. I just want you to promise me that you will stand by me through this whole thing."

"Well if I don't then why the hell did we get married? Yes of course I'm going to stand by you. Like I said, we are going to have a beautiful child."

They both smiled, and Uma decided that she'd make dinner for the two of them.

Harry sat in the kitchen and admired his wife. Her long hair that she used to keep in braids was now in wavy curls against her back. The blue shirt she wore paired nicely with the jeans on her legs, and both clothing items accented her curves. Harry loved that outfit, it was his favorite she wore. "Do you want me to make salmon or chicken?"

"Mm, let's do salmon, love."

He was still overjoyed that he was going to be a father. "Uma, when can we find out the sex of the baby?"

"After about eighteen weeks, and it's already been two. My first appointment is in three days, do you want to come?"

"I'd love to. Who all knows?"

"Mal, Evie and Diz. Go ahead and tell Gil and the boys. And see if Gil wants to come over for dinner."


He walked out of the apartment and dialed Gil's number. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Gil, I've got astounding news."

"What's that, Harry?"

"We're pregnant! I'm going to be a father!"

"Oh my gosh that's so great! I'm so happy for you, Harry."

"Do you want to come over for dinner? Uma's making salmon."

"Sounds good, I'll be there in twenty. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Gil. See you then, bye."

After he called Jay and Carlos, Harry walked back into the apartment. "Mmm, smells amazing," he said, snaking his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "Yeah? I added lemon juice to it and made some asparagus. It's going to be delicious."

"Well I'm excited." She turned around and hugged him.

"There is no one is rather do this with," she whispered.

"I know. Me too."

Gil walked in, as they never locked the apartment unless they were going to bed or having sex (which wasn't often). "Uma! I'm so happy for you!" He hugged his best friends and then sat in one of the kitchen chairs.

"So Gil, I was wondering if you'd help my paint the baby's room?" Harry asked.

"Of course! I'd love to be involved."

"Great, because you are the godfather."

Gil's face was all smiles. "I'd be honored."

The oven buzzed and Uma pulled out the salmon. She cut a slice and placed the asparagus on the plate and handed one to Harry and one to Gil. "Wait, Uma, is it safe for you to eat salmon?" Harry asked.

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