Part Two - Chapter 8 - Nova

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Warning: The author was sleep-deprived when she wrote this chapter. It is mostly filler, but there are some touching moments. It will very much resemble the author's life — not put together well — because of the aforementioned sleep deprivation. While you are reading this, the aforementioned author will most likely be sleeping until her sweet 16.

Why does that boy keep trying? He screwed up majorly. I'm not just going to run back into his arms. I wouldn't want to, either. Akiza can have him for all I care. She's the type of girl he needs. Not me. Not when he could have literally anyone else.

I need coffee. Like, right now. Hopefully, there's a coffee shop somewhere in New Satellite. After driving around for God knows how long — at least an hour — I find a small coffee shop. It looks to be one of those hole-in-the-wall places where all the baristas know the regulars by their orders or something.

Just my luck, there happens to be a familiar berry-red haired girl sitting outside the coffee shop that looks all too familiar. I park my bike, take off my helmet, and sit down across from her.

"Hi, Akiza," I say, smiling. I surprise myself when I don't hear a bit of bite in my voice.

"Nova! Hi! I didn't think I'd see you," Akiza replies. "I feel like I should apologize to you."

"What for?"

"What happened a month ago. I-I wasn't thinking, and I didn't think you'd see it, and—"

"Sweetie, water under the bridge," I say sweetly. I'm being honest. I really don't care.

"Really? I thought you'd hate me," she says, surprised.

"Why? I was never mad at you. I'm mad at him. He's not really my type anyways. Besides, you two are a match made in heaven." Really, though. They are. She's the one for Yusei. Not me.

"I don't know. He still talks about you, you know," she says, taking a sip of her iced coffee.

"What does he say?"

"Just that he misses you."

"He's the one that I always fought with the most." I flag down a waitress and ask for an iced white mocha. "And we seem to do more fighting than talking now. I saw him about an hour ago, and we were practically screaming at each other. The night the Enforcers broke up, he and I fought so bad that I didn't even see him until after the Fortune Cup. The night I got back from America, we fought."

"That's a lot of fighting."

"It is. He's like a drug for me. I keep wanting more, even though I know it's bad for me. Then, I'll have a relapse and I'll be off the drug, but I'll eventually go back. And then the cycle will continue. You know?"

"I do. I get it. You know how people used to see me circa a year and a half ago, don't you?"

The waitress I'd flagged down earlier brings me my coffee and I take a sip. "Yeah. The whole 'Black Rose Witch' dealio, right? I think. Remember, I was a Satellite kid."

"Mmhmm. I loved dueling, but whenever I did, I caused destruction and mayhem. I wanted to stop being so destructive with my powers, but I couldn't. And I sure as hell wasn't about to give up dueling. It was like how drugs can make you feel good, but you know they're so bad for you."

I smile. "This is how we know we're friends. We're talking about really personal things over coffee." I raise my cup. "To shitty situations."

"To shitty situations." She taps her cup with mine and we both take a sip of our drinks.

"And Akiza? I really do want to be friends with you. You're a cool person. So, friends?"

She smiles. "Friends. And you know what friends do?"

"They share secrets," I answer. "Believe me, I shared enough with my guy friends back in America."

"Ooh. Are they cute?" she asks.

"I'd never date them. I was pretty much one of them," I say, pulling out my phone. "This is them. That's Jonah, Peter, Sammy, and Evan." I show her my lock screen, pointing to each boy as I say his name.

"Wow. Jonah's cute," Akiza says. I notice her bite her lower lip.

"He is. He calls me rockstar."

"Well, you are a rockstar. Do you miss them?"

"Lots. Jonah calls me every week, and I text with the others pretty regularly. I was closest with him."

"What about Jack and Crow?"

"Crow and I talk daily, but I haven't really given much thought to the others." I definitely don't miss Yusei. Good riddance to him. Jack's okay, but he and I were never super close. I do miss him a little, though.

"Well, they miss you. Jack's at the garage. You wanna come with me to see him?"

A smile flashes across my face. "I'd like that."

Akiza glances at her watch. "Actually, he should be here any minute. It's almost time for his afternoon Blue-Eyes roast."

"Wow. That's a pricey one. He always did enjoy the finer things in life."

Almost on cue, a blond-haired young man strides over from the garage across the street. I shake my head, knowing that only Jack would walk around that way.

"Jack Asshole! Over here!" I shout, waving at him.

"What did I say about that nickname, Reyes?" he replies, unable to hide his smirk.

"Come on, it's good," I whine. I gesture to Akiza. "Won't you join us?"

"Long as I get my coffee," he says, coming over to us.

"You haven't changed a bit, Jack."

"Likewise, Nova," he replies. "Although, your hair is different."

"It's my hair. I'll do whatever the hell I want with it."

Jack stays for about an hour, chatting with Akiza and I. It's nice to catch up with him and nice to make friends with Akiza. She really is a fun person, and Yusei's lucky to have her.

But a part of me still wishes he was mine.

A/N: Let's wrap this up quick cause I'm one tired motherfucker.

I mentioned the sleep deprivation earlier. I have a shitload of things I need to get done before sophomore year starts, and I am doing it all, as well as updating this book, at the cost of valuable sleep time.

We have yet another Pentatonix song, this one is "Water." It is one of their originals, and it is ranked third in my favorites list of their original songs.

Yep. Now, I'm going to bed.


— A very sleepy Kal 💙

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