Part Two - Chapter 3 - Nova

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I look at my phone for the millionth time, trying to work up the balls to call Yusei. Of course, I can't. He wouldn't still care about me anymore. I saw how he was with Akiza during the Grand Prix. I don't blame him. From what I can tell, Akiza's great. She's a lucky girl. Even better, she's exactly who Yusei deserves.

I do know one person I could talk to that could help me out of this. I confided in one person about my history with Yusei while in America, and lucky for me, it's Friday night there, so he'll be out shooting pool with the guys and will answer his phone.

"'Sup, rockstar?" Jonah says, picking up after the first ring. "How was your flight?"

"Fine. Even though I was gagging on some lady's perfume," I say, laughing.

"Good to hear. I got kind of curious when you didn't answer my texts."

"Sorry, Jo. I had some things on my mind."

"It's cool. So, what do you need?"

"You are psychic! You know I need your help with something before I even tell you!"

"I don't know, rockstar. Always been that way. What's up?"

"Remember that guy I told you about? Yusei."

"Yeah, him. Sounded like an okay guy. Bit of an asshole, but still."

"I think he hates my guts now." It sounds so unreal, saying it out loud. I'm only just realizing how fucked up it sounds.

"Really? Why? Do I need to come kick his ass to see how awesome you are?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I've got a sister who can do that for me, remember? I don't know, Jonah. He couldn't even get one sentence out, and it was so basic."

"When the guy can't talk, that's usually a good sign."

"Yusei's not much of a talker anyway."

"You really have no assets, do you?"

"Oh, that's supportive. Not."

"Okay, okay! All joking aside, from what I know about this guy, he's not one to second-guess. Unless there's something you're not telling me, my only advice is to pick up your balls and have an honest conversation."

I don't respond.

"Let me guess." I hear him click his teeth. "There's another girl?"

"I can't hide shit from you. Yeah, there's another girl. She rode with the boys in the Grand Prix."

"Oh, that bitch. She was decent. You're better, though."

"I don't know about that, Jonah. She and Yusei were really chummy at the airport today."

"She was there? Why?"

"Not a clue. She was kind of just...there. And she would not stop looking at Yusei. Yusei was looking at her a lot, too."

"What does she have that you don't? Three tits?"

"I don't think so. But the two that she had were practically hanging out of her racing suit."


"But I think he's done with chasing me. He would've done something by now to try to have a real conversation with me, including when I was overseas. He hasn't."

"Then he's an idiot. What I'm hearing from you is that you're still interested, right?"

"Right. But I'm not sure he is anymore."

"Then change that. You can flirt, right? You do the chasing. You show him what he's missing out on. And you know the guys and I are all supporting you."

Who I Thought You Were - Yusei Fudo/OC   [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now