Part Two - Chapter 4 - Yusei

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Why, Yusei? Why are you such a screwup with her?

Tonight was my chance to fix our relationship. Instead, I went and fucked it up pretty bad. She's really not going to talk to me this time, forget forgiving me.

I shouldn't have said what I did about Akiza. Sure, she's pretty, and smart, and a good duelist, and a great friend, but she's not what I want. What I want doesn't want me anymore.

"Everything okay?" someone asks from behind me. It's Akiza. Speak of the she-devil.

"Yeah. Fine," I reply, not even trying to hide my bluff.

"I'm not even going to dignify that lie," she says.

"I wouldn't either." I sit on the edge of the pier, laying back on the concrete. "What are you doing here?"

She hesitates before answering me. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You didn't really have a great reunion with Nova at the airport earlier. When I got here, she was speeding off, and then I see you, crying."

"Your psychic powers are definitely working, Akiza."

"You can talk to me. What's up?" She sits next to me, her fingertips grazing the back of my hand.

"The sky."

"Very funny. Now, be real."

"Nothing's wrong. Except for the fact that there's a ninety-nine point nine percent chance my best friend hates me."

"Why would Crow or Jack hate you?"

"I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about Nova."

"The Dark Signer girl?"

I feel myself bolt into an upright position. "Don't talk about her like that. That's not who she is."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to hit a nerve." She moves a little closer to me. "You know that I know what it's like to have people you trusted suddenly hate you."

"This is different than your family drama."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. They called you a monster first. And you didn't get jealous of someone else."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She said that...she thought...before she stormed off, she told me that she wasn't good enough for me. Even though that's not true, she brought up someone else that I also happen to care about. You." I brush another tear off my cheek. "She said that...that I might as well have been dating you. "

She swallows, her brown eyes worried. 'And what did you say?"

"I said that you weren't my last choice," I say, my voice breaking. Her eyes shine with happiness as her face brightens with a smile. "But I also said that she was my first. She didn't believe me."

Akiza's hand trails from mine up to my face, the heat from her palm radiating onto my skin. "You're my first choice," she whispers.

And then, we're kissing. The kiss is so passionate and sudden, I'm not sure which one of us instigated the kiss. I hear a duel runner engine behind us, but I ignore it. No way it's Nova. She'd never turn around, and she was pretty adamant about getting away from me.

All I want for her is for her to be happy. If that means being away from me, then so be it. Maybe Akiza can help me forget her.

Thoughts of Nova slip away as I slip my arms around Akiza's waist, pulling her into me. She kisses me harder, sweeping her tongue along the inside of my lower lip, asking for entrance. I grant it, and then, we're French kissing. It feels good kissing her in the fading sunlight.

Who I Thought You Were - Yusei Fudo/OC   [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now