Chapter 11 - Yusei

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Nova has an older sister? Why didn't she tell me? We tell each other everything. Or, we used to, anyway.

The resemblance is uncanny. They could be twins. Allison has her sister's hair, eyes, nose, face structure, the works. Except for the scar that's on Nova's jawline from her earlobe to about two inches from her chin and the fact that there's sea green in Allison's hair instead of emerald, and hers is messier, Allison and Nova are mirror images of each other. There's fresh cuts on Allison's porcelain face, and her collarbone is way more pronounced than it should be, like she's been starved.

"H-how do you know me?" I ask, skeptical of Allison.

"Did you not listen? Nova's spoken quite highly of you to me," Allison replies. "Granted, I've never met you, but you look like the picture, and I've seen your bike another form. That's yours, right? The red one?" She points to my runner.

"Yeah, it's mine. What picture?"

"Homemade? You did well on it. As for the picture..." She trails off and hands me a framed picture of three people. The man looks like me, but his hair is straight up onyx black. The woman has a wide smile on her face and chestnut brown hair hanging in her eyes. The baby in between them...looks just like me.

"Where did you get this?" I whisper, knowing without a doubt that this is the family I never knew.

"Are you sure you want to know?" she asks, her pale face losing even more color.

"I have to. This is...this is my family. I need to know what happened to them."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she says, grabbing her runner and walking it over to where mine is. "Your backup boys, I presume?" she asks, gesturing to Crow and the others.

"Boys and girl," I correct her. "You probably know Crow."

"Oh, we've met," Ally says, her lips twisting into a half smile. "He's the only ding dong who actually kept up with Nova."

"And this is Officer Trudge," I gesture to Trudge, "and the twins, Leo and Luna."

"Pleasure," she says, shaking hands with Trudge. "Okay. Are you sure you want to see this?"

"Positive." Leo and Luna jump out of Trudge's patrol car, gripping each other's arms tightly. Crow follows right behind me, holding Leo's hand, and Trudge brings up the rear.

"I'm guessing you know, but if you don't, seventeen years ago, City and Satellite split in two from natural causes. That's a pile of bullsh—I mean, that's false," she starts, censoring herself. "Sorry. Forgot there're children present. Talking to you, Crow."

"Hey! You're two years older than me!" Crow protests.

"Anyway," Allison continues, "what really happened was Zero Reverse. The reactor you're about to see spun in reverse and out of control, releasing so much dark energy that it split the Satellite from the City. Yusei, your father headed the project."

"Good recap. But how'd you learn all this?" I ask.

"You'll see." We stop at a door. "Yusei, this is the control center for the reactor. Our parents...they worked together on it in here." She opens the door and walks inside, flicking on a flashlight. "Nova and I came here trying to track down our mom. She worked on the reactor, but not directly, and we thought we might be able to find clues here. We, uh, we got more than we bargained for." Tears start to well up in her eyes, and I can tell she's holding them back.

"I feel like I'm overstepping here, but," I begin, "what did you find?"

"It's not what we found, Yusei. It's what we lost." She closes her eyes tight and I notice a single tear slide down her cheek.

Who I Thought You Were - Yusei Fudo/OC   [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now