Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Agent Zero 

THE JET landed in Headquarters secluded sector, which was usually reserved for Chief when he flew in and out for business. The landing pad had Headquarters’ logo engraved into it, and the sight made me sick. A few months ago, I would have died defending what Headquarters stood for. Now, my only hope was that the death of this twisted facility was by my hand.

“I wonder if all supposed traitors get 5- Star treatment.” One mumbled as she dragged me by the arm down the jet’s silver-plated stairs. I chose not to comment as the pulled me along, the duffle she carried across her other shoulder knocked against my head with every step. The fact that is was filled with her guns didn’t soften the blow “He really does have the hots for you.” she continued.

“The “hots” for me? What are you 80?” I retorted. Chief’s supposed feelings for me was a topic I’d hoped we'd never discuss, but she didn't seem to get the hint. 

“Well Chief’s probably like 200 and we’re technically super old, so I figured the terminology was appropriate.”  She smirked down at me, yanking me upright when I tripped over the ropes on my legs.

“You’re really playing your part well.” I complimented, hoping to distract her from the topic at hand.

“It needs to be believable. What can I say, I’m a great actress."

I thought that over for a minute before yanking my arm from hers. She turned towards me and I headbutted her.  I only made it a few hops away before she grabbed my shoulder and punched me in the jaw. I didn’t hit the floor before she grabbed my cuffs and pulled me backwards so my back was facing her.

“What was that!” she whispered.

“What? You said make it believable.” I panted, ignoring the blood dripping down my nose.

I could just make out Chief in the distance, walking to meet us. Even from where we were, I could see that his slow stride was confident. From the glare on his face, I was sure he saw my impromptu escape trick, but by the time we reached each other, his glare had been replaced with a stoic expression.

One pushed me forward him and I fell on my knees in front of Chief.

“Told you I’d find her.” She gloated.

He never took his eyes from mines. Bending down, he grabbed my chin, inspecting my injuries. I pulled my face out of his hands.

“She’s injured. I thought I told you to bring her back unharmed.” He eyed One, distain dripping from his words.

“Like she’d be taken down without a fight” she spat back.

He nodded slowly, signaling the agents that were flanking him forward.

“Take Agent Zero to Medical to get cleaned up. Make sure she stays restrained. I’ll be there shortly.”

I knew Chief had some sick idea about our relationship, but I didn’t think he would even bother to make sure I was okay. When the agents grabbed each one of my arms, I tried to twist out of their grip to look at Agent One. This wasn’t apart of the plan. I didn’t get to turn before one of them pulled me to my feet. Regardless of the pounding in my skull, I headbutted him. He stumbled back, before I could do anything else, the other one restrained me, pulling my cuffed hands further behind my back.

“Enough!” Chief yelled, stopping the agent I headbutted in his tracks. He lowered his raised fist and I winked at him. Guess Chief didn’t want his precious prize touched.

He stalked over to me, pushing the agents out of the way.

“New assignment. Make sure Agent One gets to the debriefing room. I’ll escort Agent Zero.”

Both agents glared at me before turning towards One. I couldn’t see her, but I heard her threaten to neuter them if they landed a hand on her.

I smirked.

“You think this is funny?” Chief grumbled.

“I’d be lying if I said no.” I said.

He looked down at me before planting a firm hand on my arm and pushing me forward.

“We’ll see how funny you think this is later.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He didn’t answer, instead he just continued pulling me along to Medical.

The walk was short, but painful. Chief didn’t say another word, but from the rough way he pulled me along, I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to fill me in on why he planned on taking me to get cleaned up if I was sure to be locked up.

Once I got to the medical wing, he shoved me on the cot. Before I could react, I felt the sharp sting of a needle on the back of my neck. My head started to spin as my cuffs were replaced with new ones attached to the bed rails.

“Ow." I groaned as my vision started blurring.

I knew this was a bad plan.

“Get used to it.” He glared.

The doctors came in and started working on my thigh first. The makeshift wrap I had around it had stopped doing its jobs hours ago and I was starting to bleed through it. Chief stayed in the far corner of the room the entire time. His steely gaze followed the doctors every movement. He must have really wanted to ensure that I didn’t move, because the dose of anesthesia he ordered the doctors to give me felt like more than the normal amount.

I fought against the heaviness of my eyelids for as long as I could, but my eyes started to droop regardless.

The last thing I remember was Chief standing in the corner, watching me through narrowed eyes.

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