Chapter Fifteen

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Agent One

IT WAS easy to walk into the vault when Zero had done all the dirty work for me. Though I was still peeved that she really had planned on leaving me in the dark on this, I couldn’t help but admire her tactics. Although she didn’t seem to notice me tailing her, which was a major setback to her character, I took equal parts joy and irritation at this situation. Joy at not having to do much work, but irritated that she really had lied to me. 

I had waited outside the vault in the same tree covered hideout she had used for about 20minutes before going in after her. The EMP she set off sent the security guards checking surveillance down to assess the damage, which helped me blow some steam. After dropping the last guard, I looked around to see what Zee had done.

The guards I had knocked out would wake up in a hour or so with a migraine, Zee on the other hand had murdered at least four. Despite the fact that I was fairly used to the sight of cadavers, I cringed. All the kills were headshots, clean with no sign of hesitation.
Zee was a lot of things, but a coldblooded murderer wasn’t one of them. We did what we had to and killed only when there was no other option, but this was not one of those times.
What had made her knock the other guard out only to kill the rest?
It didn’t look like her style, so unless there had been another shooter, something about this didn’t make sense.
Swallowing down the bad feeling in my gut, I pulled out my gun and followed the hallway down. I wasn’t sure where the vault was, but according to the blueprint I had copied, it shouldn’t be far.


Agent Zero

It DIDN’T take long for his words to settle, but once they did, I shoved him off me. Wiping away the last of my tears.
“You’re crazy. I assumed as much, but this proves it. I’m an agent . There is no love for people like me.” I spat.
A sad look passed his eyes, but I focused on my growing anger instead. I’d let my guard down too much with Lee, I needed to find those documents and take my shot. But even as I thought it, I still felt the weight of his words.
His name is Anthony
“Where are the documents, Lee?”
“In the safe.” He whispered but made no move to retrieve them.
“Open it.” I demanded.
His head shot up, and a smirk spread over his face, his lip was split from where I punched him. A line of blood trickled down, but he didn’t flinch.
“You open it, I gave you the key.”
I slipped my hand in my pocket, the cool metal of the key was still where I had put it.
“Why did you give this to me?” that was one piece of his twisted puzzle I had yet to put together.
“I told you. I want you to know the truth. I was confident you’d find this place eventually, I wanted to make sure you’d find them, even if Chief grew a pair and came down to finish me off before I could show you.”
“Why do you hate Chief so much?”
“It’s a long story. One I don’t think you’re quite ready for.”
“Does it have anything to do with your partner and your family?”
“You think Chief killed them.” It wasn’t a question. I could see by the way his fist balled and his eyes flashed that he truly believed Chief would have innocents killed.
“I know Chief killed them. I feel their loss every day, I can tell you still feel Anthony. Even though you don’t remember him fully.”
I locked my jaw at the sound of that name again.
Was that his name? 
“You know I’m telling the truth. Why would I lie? What could I possibly gain from it?” he laughed dryly.
I took a calming breath to steady my heartbeat. I didn’t want to believe him, I couldn’t. but he had a valid point. And for that, I would hear him out, before I made my final move, I wanted to knew everything he knew.
“Fine. I’ll play along. Start from the beginning. I want to know everything.”

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