Chapter Twenty-Seven

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THIS WAS one of those ideas that at the time of planning seemed good, but now, actually executing the plan, I’m able to see all the ways this could, and probably would go wrong. It wasn’t that I was pessimistic, that this wouldn’t work, it was just that I was pretty certain it wouldn’t work the way we hoped it would.
“You okay?” Agent One asked me.
We were only a few moments away from landing at Headquarters. The cuffs she had on me rubbed my wrists raw and the restraints on my legs were scratching at my skin.
“What do you think?” I retorted. She at least had been able to clean up, I on the other hand was still sporting the same dried up blood from out fight earlier.
“Hey, this was the best idea I had, I didn’t see you coming up with anything better.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one tied up on the floor covered in blood.” I spat back. She stared down at me for a moment, trying to hold back a smile. It only lasted a few seconds before she started laughing.
“You’ll only be tied up for a few hours tops. Just long enough for us to get close enough to Chief.”
“Remind me of your master plan again.” I complained, blowing a strand of hair from my face.
“Chief just wants you. And we want Chief dead. The best way to do that is to have him think he’s got you.”
“And how do you propose I get out of these restraints fast enough to do any damage? I’ll be locked up in the dungeon until he decides what he wants to do with me!” I reminded her.
“Relax. That’s where I come in. I’ll break you out. Yeah, he’ll lock you up downstairs before he sentences you and that usually takes a few weeks. That’s more than enough time to get you out and take Chief down.” She finished happily.
“And I am supposed to do what exactly? Stay locked up down there until you rescue me?”
“Oh, chill it won’t be that long. One day at most.”
“And what will you be doing while I’m locked up in a dungeon?”
“Easy. I’ll be in the weapons vault. Getting what we need. Chief won’t go down easy, I want to make sure we’re prepared. When we’re all stocked up, I’ll hack into the networks systems and broadcast everything from the file onto every device in Headquarters. Everyone will know what Chief’s done…well mostly everything.” She amended.
I’d asked her not so spread any information of Anthony. The last thing I wanted were agents I didn’t know feeling pity for me.
“Okay, this better work.” I huffed, trying to wiggle into a sitting position.
“It will… You, Cinderella, just have to sit pretty in the dungeon for a little bit, until I come and get you.”
 She finished with a smile. I knew she was trying to lighten the mood. What we both knew, was that if this didn’t work we would be the ones on the other side of the gun. This was our only shot to end Chief, any mistake could mean the end of us and Chief running free.
“If I wasn’t strapped down, I’d hit you.” I threatened. It was the closest thing to reassurance I could come up with. But, from the small smile on her face, I could tell she understood.
“And a round two of last night would have started. Don’t you think I’ve won enough fights already?”
Before I could counter her comeback, the jet dipped. Signaling our landing. I had to brace myself from tipping forward.
“Look’s like it’s show time.”
“You ready?” I asked her. I’d had weeks to come to terms with the fact that Chief had to die and hours of countless personal research tying Chief to multiple crimes, but she only had a day of knowing the full truth.
“What, you think I’d really back out now?” she scoffed. “I’m ready.”
“Good.” I nodded. “Because there’s no going back now.”

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