Chapter Twenty-One

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THE FIRST attack came late one night after I had just fallen asleep. I heard the sound of my door being kicked in and woke instantly expecting to find One staring back at me. But to my surprise, there were a handful of rookie agents greeting me instead.


If not for the fact that I hadn’t slept in days, Chief sending such a pitiful squad would have been offensive. But in my current sleep deprived state, taking down a few kids would be the better option than going hand to hand with Agent One.

With an irritated sigh, I lifted my hands in mock surrender, kicking my sheets off and slowly standing to face them.

“I’ll give you a few seconds to rethink this.” I cautioned, locking eyes with the biggest one of the group. There were about 5 in total crowding my small space, a quick once over of their weapons showed that they were only here to capture, not kill.

“Agent Zero, you are requested by Chief to be returned unharmed to Headquarters to be debriefed and trialed for your actions regarding Pembroke’s Vault.” The one closest to me started. I tried very hard to contain the yawn that was threatening to break through.

“We are not here to hurt you”

I yawned.

The group looked to the leader hesitantly as he continued “but violence will be used if you do not come quietly.” It was the one I had pegged as the leader of this squad who spoke. I gave myself a mental pat on the back for guessing right.

“What’s your name, kid?” I asked, dropping my hands to my sides.

He looked around his squad nervously, a small bead of swear trickling down his face. The other 4 eyed me warily.

“Agent 219, ma’am.”

I nodded. I wasn’t sure how many agents we had, but his number must have meant that he was fairly high in ranks. Chief wouldn’t waste his time sending in amateurs.   

“I respect you. You’ve got guts. So I’ll make this hurt less, okay?”

His eyes widened “Wha”- his sentence was cut short when I flung the wireless phone on my desk between his eyes. He was dazed for a moment, but I used the distraction to slide over the short space, knocking the legs out from under the 3 agents closest to the door. Like predicted, they stumbled into the other two and toppled into Agent 219.

“Get off me and GET HER!” I heard him scream as I sprinted towards the door. A hand shot out and grabbed my ankle. Groaning, I sent a kick to whoever’s unlucky face was on the receiving side of my boots.

When I reached the door, I rethought my escape. Instead of making a run for it, I realized that this pattern would only keep repeating itself it I didn’t do some serious damage. Agent One was the only one who had a chance of bringing me back to Chief. Until she arrived, I would only waste my energy taking down the lackies Chief sent after me. Unless... I sent one very clear message now.

Sighing, I shut the door, and locked it. Turning to face the agents.

The one I kicked in the face was still on the floor holding his nose. From the blood seeping through his fingers, it was probably broken.

Sorry, not sorry.

“Come and get me.” I smiled.

They took my invitation and tackled me. It took longer than I would have thought to disable them. Although it was obvious they were well trained, I still had a lifetime of skill on my side. I tried not to do too much damage. I didn’t want to kill anyone. Seriously harm and bruise, sure, killing not so much.

I wanted Chief to see that he shouldn’t waste time sending kids after me. It sucked for this squad that they had to be my message, but they would hopefully do the trick.

219 was the last to go down, he was currently sporting two very black eyes and a split lip, but he kept coming. He only slowed down when I uppercuted him and he fell on his back.

“You’re not too bad.” I complimented.

He spit out a tooth “You’re better.” He admitted ruefully.

Despite the circumstances, I chuckled “Well, yeah”

He flipped me off.

“When you get the chance, tell Chief I say hi.” A confused look crossed his face before I punched him, and he finally knocked out.

Sighing, I looked at the mess I’d made. The agents would wake up in an hour or so and report to Chief all that had happened. I hoped Chief would cut the crap and either come himself or send Agent One, but in the case that he was being hardheaded as usual, I mentally prepared myself to take down more decoys.

Grabbing a few hundred-dollar bills, I tossed them on the bed and grabbed my stuff.

Time to find a new hideout.

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