Chapter Thirteen

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HE HAD abandoned his crisp suite for an all black ensemble that favored mine. The smirk on his face did something to my temper and it took all of my will power not to grab one of the guns from the fallen gaurds and shoot Lee where he stood. My struggle must have been apparent on my face because his hand inched towards the his gun holster.

I glanced down at my tranquilizer before divng for the gun and landing in a crouched position.

I now had a real gun aimed at his heart and his was trained to my head. We stared each other down, but I refused to break the silence. Honestly, even if I did, I wouldn’t know what to say. Not when a thousand thoughts ran through my mind.
“Lower yours and I’ll lower mine?” he finally spoke.
“Not a chance.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.” he said calmly.
“You couldn’t if you tried” I snorted.
“Fair, but it’ll be difficult to explain anything with your gun pointed at my heart.”
I cocked the gun. “Then explain faster.”
He chuckled, and that grated on my nerves. “How about I put mine down first then?”
I said nothing. He took my silence for consent and started to lower his gun. Footsteps from behind me caught my attention.

 I had barely turned when Lee shot the guards around us. He didn’t bother to wound them, he fired four kill shots and the guards dropped before they could register they were in any danger. I cringed as the blood spilled from their bodies, one of them had a wedding ring on his finger.
I turned on Lee, standing and aiming at his head.
“You didn’t have to kill them.” I said through my teeth.
He raised his hands, letting the gun drop to the floor. “They wouldn’t have hesitated to kill us.”
His eyes showed no remorse. As agents killing, was sometimes inevitable, it was a part of the job. What Lee did was different though. I was certain I could have took them out without fatalities, he didn’t even bat an eyelash when he pulled the trigger.
“What are you?” I accused.
“An agent. Or a former one. I get confused sometimes.” he laughed.
“Did you steal the documents?” I decided to get straight to the point, his sanity was of question, but I had to keep him talking, I wasn’t sure what his angle was. If he wanted to expose me, he wouldn’t have shot the guards.
“Yes.”  My heart was racing, but I kept my face calm.
“Why?” I asked instead. 
“I needed them." He said simply.
“I’ll show you, but you would have to come with me.”
That made me laugh. “You expect me to believe that? You could be working with a terrorist agency or something, why would I go anywhere with you? How do I know you’re not planning on killing me like you did the guards?”
“Because if I meant to hurt you, you’d be hurt. Besides I doubt Headquarters sent you after me just to gather information. That’s not Chief’s style. And I’m the target, aren’t I? If anything I suppose killing you would be self- defense.”
“Are you threatening me?” I felt my teeth grind.
“No, simply stating facts.”
“Why can’t you just show me now then?” his point was valid, if he had intended on killing me, I would probably be dead. I’d been working with him for over a month now, he had multiple chances.

 “The EMP you set off won’t last for long and soon this place will be crawling with security. Unless you want more deaths, it’s not in your best interest to stay here anyway. You can come with me and see the documents for yourself or stay and fight your way out of this. Your call” he didn’t wait for my response, just turned on his heel down the hallway.
I took a breath to calm myself, rather this was a promising idea or not would be determined. Lowering the gun, I followed him.


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