The Battle Trial

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This is the seating chart for class 1-A in this fic. I wanted to change up where they sit 'cause I thought, 'why not,' so here it is.

 I wanted to change up where they sit 'cause I thought, 'why not,' so here it is

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I should also point out Midoriya's Pyrokinesis quirk. If he overuses it, he'll get exhausted and pass out. He can extend how long he can use it if he drinks enough water.

Izuku POV:

Today's classes have been pretty boring so far. Present Mic's English classes are confusing. Math with Ectoplasm is easy. I'm just waiting for the Hero Studies with All Might.


"Whoa it's All Might."

"He really is a teacher here."

"Look. He's wearing his Silver Age costume."

I look in amazement. I've now seen him in his Golden Age and Silver Age costumes. This is one of the greatest days of my life.

"Um, Izuku. You're muttering." I hear Ochako say to me as I come out of my mutter storm.

"Oh. U-Uh. S-s-sorry." I apologize from embarrassment.

"Today we will be doing Battle Training. Heroes always have to go into danger. But they don't go out in  T-shirt and jeans. I'm wearing my Silver Age costume as the second point of this lesson." He presses a button as the wall to our right opens up, revealing 20 suitcases.

"Before you came to U.A., you submitted costume designs to costume companies. Now suit up, and meet me at City Gamma(AN: I forgot where he told them to meet them)."


We start walking to the fake city he told us to meet him at.

"Look at you all. You all look so cool. Now this is what heroes should look like."

(AN: This is what Midoriya's costume is gonna look like in this story.)

(AN: Isn't Photoshop great? There are tubes leading down from his mask to pouches on his belt filled with water

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(AN: Isn't Photoshop great? There are tubes leading down from his mask to pouches on his belt filled with water.)

"Wow, Izuku. You look great!" I hear Ochako's voice say to me. So I turn around and see...Oh my God what did I do in a past life to deserve this.

The Fire That Made Me (Izuocha) (Collaboration with : @UmmeZainab4)Where stories live. Discover now