Chapter Four

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A/N: Anyway, vote? To be honest, I don't even start writing the chapter until after 30 votes.


"Shut up Quinn!" somebody finally screamed to quiet the annoying girls singing.

The song Quinn sang, stayed stuck in his head for maybe 6 minutes into dinner. Not long enough to make somebody irritable, but enough to piss somebody off.

And then the gods flashed in, only making his mood even worse, when he found out about this wretched mission he was currently in.

A tall, gray haired man in a blue and white pinstriped suit seemed to be the leader; the way he held himself was a dead giveaway to that.

While every camper from both camps bowed to the gray haired man, the Void 40 soldiers stood in confusion.

'Why would they bow to him? He's not Lord Chaos...'

The only one [that was apart of Void 40] not bowing that knew who he was, was Wayland obviously. He wasn't bowing, not because he was confused, but because he hated the old man, as he hated everyone else.

"Uh, why aren't you losers bowing?" Annabeth hissed at the soldiers, like bowing was the most obvious thing to do. Annabeth was staring at them obviously bewildered, while she had said that.

"Because that's not Lord Chaos and we don't know who he is..." a soldier replied, shrugging like it's no big deal.

Wayland stood there cross armed, staring at the fish mouthed Annabeth, while she was wondering who the Hades they are, and why they're not bowing to the Olympians.

"Most of them aren't from Earth, Miss Chase. And the gods aren't well known outside of this planet. So they wouldn't and don't know who the gods are, since they aren't from Earth, like you and me." Wayland said nonchalantly, masking his hatred for them.

The Big Three looked interested all of the sudden when Wayland gave away his knowing of the gods.

"Who's son are you?" asked Zeus, "Mine probably, giving the power that radiates off of you..." he said smirking at the afterthought.

Poseidon glared at Zeus, "If you hadn't forgotten my son was actually the most powerful demigod to exist."

Zeus just waved it off as if it was nothing at all, which was a lie. Because it the very reason most of the gods and immortal campers alike, all were weighed down by guilt.


After that ever so awkward gathering, it subsequently left them all feeling weird the rest of the night.

"Annabeth!" Jason hollered from across the field she had been walking in.

She glanced over one of her shoulders to see what he could possibly want. Apparently it was important, considering his frantic expression.

"What is it Sparky?" She asked, seemingly unfazed by his panicked look. While really, she was going crazy with worry on the inside.

"They're fighting," he croaked out.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, who cares about a sibling argument or a small camp rivalry?

But she had forgotten about the Void.40 and it was clear that a few of the soldiers hated them, "So? Who cares, a fight doesn't matter that much, what's so bad 'bout this one, Jason?"

He looked at her as if she had three heads, and then she finally remembered about the Void.40.

"Shit, who's exactly in this 'fight'?"

"That one guy, Harvey, I think, and some son of Poseidon, who thinks he can take on the world," Jason moaned, knowing that even though this could be the worst soldier ever, he's definitely whooping the demigod, till he's black and blue.

Without saying a word, they both ran off into the drama.


"Shut up,"

The other boy looked offended, "Did you just tell me to shut up?"

"Oh good, you can hear. I was getting worried."

"Look man, you came into my camp, and I don't approve tha-"

The older boy scoffed at him, "Since when did you own this dump? Here's a piece of advise from my previous statement though, shut up."

"Stop telling me what to do!" he exclaimed, throwing the first punch.

The soldier caught his fist, flipping him in the air, and slamming him on his back. The younger boy, the son of Poseidon, struggled, straining against his tight hold. The soldier then repeatedly slammed his head onto the dirt. Knowing that it wouldn't kill him, because of the soft dirt, but expecting it to hurt like Nyxes staff.

"STOP THIS!" Annabeth and Griot screamed at them, both running in at the same time. The two looked at each other, shrugging, before turning to the two idiots on the ground.

"First off, what's going on?" the commander snapped at them.

"You punks showed up to my camp! That's what happened."

The soldier on top of him laughed, as if it were a joke. "If this dump were anybody's, it'd be that chick over there, she seems to be the leader," he said nodding towards her.

Griot sighed, turning away and absconding off, as if he didn't care about this anymore. Which truthfully, he did care, but he'd react that same way his soldier, Harvey, had.

"Oh gods, your an idiot, Rollin," Annabeth barked at Poseidon's son, obviously pissed off.

Annabeth stalked off irritatedly. And Harvey eventually got up also, going back to where the other soldiers were. Poseidon's kid just sat there, not planning revenge, really he just stayed there, too embarrassed to go back to his cabin.


Guys remember, 30 votes. Otherwise I'd just continue my other story instead. Just saying, anyway, hope this was a good chapter!

-Moe Moe

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