Chapter Six

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A/N- So, I was looking at how often I actually update this story, and if you regularly read this story- I am so sorry! I mean, I started this in September and updated twice that month, twice in November, and once in January... just wow, so irregular!

I'll try to update more, but I seriously look at the amount of votes per chapter. Anything below thirty discourages me because I've seen this story get 60 votes on the first chapter and I guess I'm just worried this story is getting shittier and shittier...

Rant over, story time!


It was awfully dark in the section of the forest where Wayland was. Even though it was three-thirty (at the latest), it still looked well past midnight.

Why in the world had Lord Chaos decided to have his and Waylands meeting held at that location, anyway? No idea. But this section, near the roaring waterfall, was where Wayland was, waiting patiently for Chaos.

"Ah, Wayland! Early as usual, I see."

Wayland looked up sharply, before bowing down to the ultimate creator.

"Hello, what gives me the honor of speaking with you today?" Wayland asked curiously.

Chaos looked at him in a surprised manner, "To be released from this wretched camp, of course! You do want to leave and continue on with other missions I assume."

Wayland shook his head, "Of course but... don't they need me?"

"Well, I can say to you that they'd win this war with you even during your youth. But you best... watch from afar. Use your powers to surprise and slow down the enemy. A secret weapon."

Another tool in the gods hands. Was all Wayland could thing about at the moment.

"I suppose you're wondering where you'll be heading or staying. Well, probably you should spy from the inward of the army, but attack from the outward."

That wasn't what I was thinking, but good to know. Was the first thing to come to Wayland's head.

Wayland looked at him suspiciously, "You want me to be a spy?"

"No, an assassin, as you are one. Sometimes have to go undercover, and be one of them. Gain their trust, than kill them off, one at a time. A spy delivers secrets and plans to the enemy, pretending to be one of the others, not sent to solely to kill certain people, monsters, or anything at all really. Completely different."

The deity watched the boy for his reaction. There came none.

As Perseus would have laughed, asking why in the world they'd choose him; Wayland merely accepted the decision with no questions.

"Aren't you curious as to why you were chosen?" Chaos asked, trying to spark the wayward spirit that was hidden within this dark minded boy.

"Because I'm the only assassin of yours. When am I to leave? What must I do?"

The creator sighed, that was definitely not the answer he was hoping for, "Tomorrow at seven. You'll arrive at 13:15."

Wayland nodded along while pulling off his hood.

Chaos looked at him surprised, "Why'd you take that off?"

Wayland blushed, "I look so different, I suppose I can just join their ranks under a new name, but same face."

Chaos realized that was the painful truth. The beautiful boy with the sea green eyes and unruly, black hair was gone- replaced by sharper features, though the messy hair had stayed the same. But his eyes... they looked as if a hurricane has been waging in them for eons on end, not at all peaceful.

Chaos looked nervously at him, "It's still obviously you. They'd recognize you."

Wayland rolled his eyes, tousling his hair, "What shall I do than?"

Chaos looked startled, as if remembering something important, "The war... the enemy's won't recognize you."

Wayland was caught off guard, he'd forgotten who they were up against in the war, and that he'd been absent during the war meeting.

"Who are we even battling against?"

Chaos looked embarrassed, "A few of my children."

Wayland shot up, "What the actual fuck?"

"Never mind that, they won't recognize you. They've only ever heard the basic idea of your appearance, which is from back then, and you look far too different from then for them to recognize the ties."

"But they're primordials! Can't they like, google me?"

Chaos sighed and ignored his previous question, "You leave tomorrow as I said, you'll go as Konstantinos."

Wayland heaved a breath, "Of course, thank you for your time."

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