Chapter Nine

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A sword was swung in the face of the wayward assassin, the immortal ducked and rolled out of the way. Wayland, or should be said Konstinos, raised his hands and summoned the North Winds to blow the opponent away. Even as he was fighting for the this army, he would never hurt his opponent.

On the enemy lines, hoards of monsters hurt innocent demigods.
So far I've learned nothing of these primordials and I cannot even help in any other way.

A random son of Apollo ran out to challenge him, and was stabbing at him feveridly. Wayland merely side stepped and parried, but soon Darrin spotted him and ran over to help Konstinos 'kill' the pesty half-blood.

"Wonderful fight, aye Kon?" Darrin called out over the loud backround.

"I guess, blood is always my style anyway," Wayland panted out after knocking the boy unconscious.

"How many kills you get? Don't tell me you've just been knocking these trolls umconcious!" Darrin cried throwing his hands up in disgust.

He bobbed his head in a gawky manner, "I haven't been counting my kills."

Darrin looked skeptically at the bloody man before him. "Why don't we kill more of them then, I'm almost at thirty kills anyway," he said pointing at Travis and Conner Stoll. "I get the shorter one, you get the other."

Wayland paled visibly, he knew them, and he knew they'd reconize him. "Nah man, they're immortal. Haven't you heard that the puny Gods made all the head counslers immortal after the disappearance of Poseidon's kid?"

Darrin nodded, "Okay sure. What about her?" He said pointing at two children of Hecate.

"Okay sure, bet I'll beat you there!" Wayland shouted as he ran over to the poor teenager. He felt a sickness stir in his stomach, he knew he could not kill her, but he had to earn the trust of the army.


"Are the enemy limes defleating?" Chiron asked in a gravely voice.

Annabeth shook her head sadly, "No, there's just too many. Do we have any back up?"

"I... contact Thalia, Annabeth. That may be our last hope." He said shaking his head sadly.

"Right away." Annabeth said rushing off to the rec room to IM Artemis and her hunters.

Practically everyone outside were crying out in pain, or screaming their victory to the world. It made her sick to think her brothers and sisters could be dying or may already be dead at this very moment.
And though having no ties to Percy, or really Poseidon, it still hurt to think their legacy could be demolished at any second.

"Thalia! There's a battle at Camp HalfBlood, we need help!" Annabeth cried put, after spotting Thalia at their camp.

"Against who? Right now?" She said shocked.

Annabeth nodded vigorously, "We're at war. Were you not informed? Just be here." She said in a slur before ending the IM.

But at that moment Jason ran in like a lunatic. His blonde hair was highlighted with red, from the blood of fallen soldiers. A long cut started from his left temple and ended near his chin; it would not leave a scar, but would definitely be nasty for a few weeks.

"What's wrong?" Chiron asked upon seeing the worried son of Jupiter.

Jason took a second to catch his breath before uttering out the worst news anyone could hear.

"The enemy are gone, but have taken many hostages." He said with out beating around the bush. "They said they'll be back."

Why would they leave if they were winning? Annabeth thought in a terrible mood.


Will Solace could barely breath, for one reason only was that there was limited air in the bag he was stuffed in.

It felt as if someone was pounding in his head. Will vaguely remembered how he had gotten in the trunk of some car, but he never questioned it. They were going on a windy road, he hit his head on the floor every time they hit a bump, or on the side of the car whenever they swerved left or right. He could feel the body of some other people, but couldn't ask who they were because of the bag on his head suffocating him.

In the dim light he could not see much, but he could tell that his left arm was a swollen shade of purple. The rope tying his arms together was obviously irritating it more than need be.

"Alright, time to get out." A rough voice ordered, grabbing Will and the other two bodies, throwing one over his shoulder.

"Yo Kon, boss wants Blondie only." A muffled voice told the man manhandling them.

"Then what do I do with the others?"

"Just leave them here, I guess." The one who said that immediately took two of the bodies, not including his own though.

"Shit, let me go." He tried to scream at them, but the words came out as, "Hit Lenni, no."

"The fuck, bring him in."

As the two soldiers escorted Will out of the truck, he could tell that the one who had first picked him out of the vehical was weary of pushing him around as much as the other man.

"Okay Konstintinos, set him down there." The harsh man ordered.

As Will was dropped on the ground, he could tell the man rushed off to the corner of the room within seconds.
"You don't want to unbind him? That's always the best part!"

"Speak for yourself, Darrin. It's always the worst for me, you do it since you love it so much..."

The ropes around his wrists were quickly cut off, along with the bag over his head.

As black dots swam in his vision, he made out the two men.
One with purple eyes, and faded out white hair.
But the other was all too familiar, with messy raven black hair and sea green eyes...
Percy Jackson.

∞ ∞ ∞

Happy Independence Day! Or random day in July, I really don't know what country you're from...

But either way, hope you had a wonderful day!

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